Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2024





TIME 11.00

''Understanding electricity is the key to integrating science into a unified whole and providing a magnetic foundation in which

Α. … the Divine Plan can deepen its roots and future esoteric teaching can safely flourish.

Β. … a long overdue revelation concerning humanity’s relationship with the universal whole.

C. … The establishment of brotherhood as a definite fact in nature" may then follow as a natural corollary.

The Electric Bridge is a powerful symbol for serving in the fields of science and philosophy. … It is the synthesising nature of electricity that will provide the foundation for a new Aquarian Science of Interconnectedness, enabling occultism to liaise with the science of the finite mind and demystify the divine nature of reality.

The following visual approach is suggested:

  1. Visualise a line of lighted energy along with those created by other co-workers, penetrating into the science of the initiates and anchored in the science of humanity.
  2. Engage creatively with extracts from the presentation through occult brooding, building the resulting point of mental tension into this luminous bridge and strengthening the link between the two worlds of thought.
  3. Visualise the energy of the mysteries reverberating down the bridge, evoking new thinking in scientific circles on the electrical nature of reality.

The Electric Bridge is ultimately a symbol of the antahkarana, indicating the electrical nature of the path as portrayed in the Tibetan’s words below. The key to more advanced work with this service enterprise is to be found herein.''

(From The Electric Bridce, Introduction www.lucistrust.org)


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Κυριακή 10 Νοεμβρίου 2024






– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  Νοvember 10, 2024


(Externalization of the Hierarchy, A.A. Bailey, p. 406-409 English)

The Master Jesus works especially with the masses of the Christian people who inhabit the occidental countries, and who gather in the churches. He is distinctively a great leader, an organiser, and a wise general executive. A special group of devas work under His command, and His connection with all true church leaders and executives is very close. He acts ceaselessly on the inner esoteric council of the churches, and with Him the groups of violet angels cooperate. In church matters He Himself carries out the behests of the Christ, saving Him much and working as His intermediary. This will seem logical to you, for His destiny is closely interwoven with the Christian Church and it marks the culmination of His work for the West. No one knows or understands so fully and wisely as He the problems of the Western culture, nor the needs of the people who carry forward the destiny of Christianity.

 The Master Hilarion is actively occupied in the field of America, stimulating the intuitive perception of its people. He has under observation all those who are true psychics, and who develop their powers for the good of the community. He controls and transmutes the great active movements which endeavour to strip the veil from the world of the unseen. He impresses the minds of those whose vision will justify His effort. And He has much to do with various psychical research movements throughout the world. With the aid of certain groups of angels, He works to open up the world of departed souls to the seeker, and much that has of late convinced the materialistic world of life beyond has emanated from Him.

 He Whom you call the Master D.K. works much with [Page 507] those who heal with pure altruism; He occupies Himself with those who are active in the laboratories of the world, with great philanthropic world movements such as the Red Cross, and with the rapidly developing welfare movements. His work also embraces teaching, and He does much at this time to train the various disciples of the world, taking the disciples of many of the Masters and so relieving Them temporarily, in this hour of crisis, from Their teaching responsibilities. Many of the healing angels, such as those referred to in the Bible, cooperate with Him.

 The Master Who works in and for India labours with the minds of the politicians, educators and religious dreamers and idealists. He strengthens the efforts of all those who work for the liberation of the submerged masses, provided their methods are constructive and not destructive, and that the gains desired are not furthered at the expense of any part of the human family. He labours not to exalt one section of the populace at the expense of another, but works towards brotherhood and the right understanding of the requirements of all souls, be they far advanced along the path, or just starting upon their planetary pilgrimage under the Law of Rebirth.

 One of the English Masters has in hand the definite guidance of the Anglo-Saxon peoples towards a joint destiny. The future for the Anglo-Saxon is great and not yet has the highest flow of the tide of its civilisation been reached. History holds much glory for England and America when they work together for world good, not supplanting each other or interfering with each other's empire but working in the fullest unison for the preservation of the peace of the world and the right handling of world problems in the field of economics and of education.

 As the seventh Ray of Organisation and of ceremonial work is now coming into prominence and manifestation, the work of the Master on that ray is that of synthesising, on the physical plane, all parts of the plan. The Master Rakoczi takes of the general plan as it is outlined in the inner Council Chamber and approximates it to the possible. [Page 508] He might be regarded as acting as the General Manager for the carrying out of the plans of the executive council of the Christ.

 It might be of interest here to point out that when He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the new age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case. The call has gone out for them again to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge unite their forces with those of the Christ and His disciples for the helping of the race. They have, for instance, much to communicate anent colour and sound, and the effect of these two forces on the etheric bodies of men and animals and flowers. When what they have to impart is apprehended by the race, physical ills and sickness will be offset. The group of violet angels or devas who work on the four etheric levels will be especially active and they will work in the four main groups of men who are in incarnation at any given time. Four rays dominate at any period, with one of the four more potent than the other three. You have this idea symbolised in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally throughout the planet.

 These four groups of angels are a band of servers, pledged to the service of the Christ, and their work is to contact men and to teach them along certain lines.

 a. They will teach humanity to see etherically, and this they will do by heightening human vibration by interaction with their own.

 b. They will give instruction in the effect of colour in the healing of disease, and particularly the efficiency of violet light in lessening human ills and in curing those physical plane sicknesses which originate in the etheric body.  [Page 509]

c. They will also demonstrate to the materialistic thinkers of the world the fact that the superconscious world exists and that angels and men who are out of incarnation and possess no physical bodies can be contacted and known.

d. They will train human beings in the knowledge of superhuman physics so that weight shall be for them transmuted. Motion will become more rapid, speed will be accompanied by noiselessness and smoothness, and hence fatigue will be eliminated. In the human control of etheric levels lies the overcoming of fatigue and the power to transcend time. Until this prophecy is a fact and recognised as such, the meaning of the above words will remain obscure.

 e. They will teach humanity how rightly to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ethers the requisite food. Man will concentrate his attention upon the etheric body and the work and health of the physical body will become increasingly automatic.

 f. They will also teach human beings as individuals and as a race to expand their consciousness to include the superphysical. In the accomplishment of this, the separating web (the veil of the temple) which divides the physical plane from the unseen world will be recognised as a fact in nature by the scientist. Its purpose will be acknowledged. Eventually it will be destroyed, by man discovering how to penetrate it. The date is imminent.

Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2024





– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  Νοvember 17, 2024

Religious Organisations in the New Age

Externalization of the Hierarchy, A.A. Bailey, p. 509-515)

Let us now return to our consideration of the spread of the deepened religious ideals and the growth of the new religious organisms. In the process of transmuting the old form and so releasing the imprisoned life, there are two things which are steadily held in view by the Guides of our evolution:

 First, that the general public serves or is dominated by the concrete mind and is unable to grasp abstractions. It is the form which matters to them the most, for they are conservative and cling to the familiar. The church is intended to serve the masses and is not intended to be of use (except as a field of service) to the esotericists of the world, for they heed not the form to the same extent, having contacted somewhat the inner compelling life.

 Secondly, the church movement, like all else, is but a temporary expedient and serves but as a transient resting place for the evolving life. Eventually, there will appear the Church Universal, and its definite outlines will appear towards the close of this century. In this connection, forget not the wise prophecy of H.P.B. as touching events at the close of this century. This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the true second Coming, has been accomplished. No date for the advent do I set, but the time will not be long.

 The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished. I indicate the hope. I do not assert a fact. Its work is intended to be the holding of a broad platform. The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas. The [Page 511] church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance. The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated.

 The three main channels through which the preparation for the new age is going on might be regarded as the Church, the Masonic Fraternity and the educational field. All of them are as yet in relatively static condition, and all are as yet failing to meet the need and to respond to the inner pressure. But in all of these three movements, disciples of the Great Ones are to be found and they are steadily gathering momentum and will before long enter upon their designated task.

 The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organisation than can be realised, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. In its ceremonials lies hid the wielding of the forces connected with the growth and life of the kingdoms of nature and the unfoldment of the divine aspects in man. In the comprehension of its symbolism will come the power to cooperate with the divine plan. It meets the need of those who work on the first Ray of Will or Power.

 The Church finds its mission in the helping of the devotee, in aiding the great public which is innately religious and of good will. It hides in its heart those who vibrate to [Page 512] the great love ray, the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. Christ Himself works through it and by its means seeks to contact the vast Christian public. It is the leaven in His hands to leaven the whole lump, and being in a form comprehended by the people, it can touch the great masses of seeking souls.

 By means of the educational work of the world, the Great Lord seeks to reach those of the intelligent public who cannot be reached by means of ceremonial and symbolism, as in Masonry, or by religious means and ritual, as in the Church. It touches the masses and those in whom the intelligence aspect predominates to the lessening of the other two aspects. It aids those men who are predominantly on the third Ray of Intelligent Activity.

 In all these bodies there are to be found esoteric groups who are the custodians of the inner teaching and whose uniformity in aspiration and in technique is one. These inner groups consist of occult students and of those who are in direct or occasional touch with the Masters and of those whose souls are in sufficient control so that the will of the Hierarchy may be communicated and gradually filter down to the channel of the physical brain. These groups which constitute the true inner esoteric group are many, but their membership is yet small, for the fact that a student may belong to any of the outer esoteric groups so-called is no indication of his true esoteric status. When the few who are the true esoteric students of the world know the difference between etheric and astral forms, between mental clairaudience and clairvoyance and their astral counterparts, between the elementals of thought and the elementals of nature, then will the Christ and His church have a real esoteric group on the physical plane and the outer organisations receive the needed stimulation. That is why it is necessary to work with the students at this time and train them in the nature of true occultism. When we understand better the significance of time in prevision, and of force in movement, and when we comprehend more fully the laws that control the subtler bodies, and through them therefore the laws that function on the planes whereon those bodies express [Page 513] themselves, then will there be more intelligent and more useful work offered in cooperation with the Occult Hierarchy.

 In the esoteric group, which is composed of the true spiritual esotericists found in all exoteric occult groups, in the church, by whatever name it may be called, and in Masonry you have the three paths leading to initiation. As yet they are not used, and one of the things that will eventuate—when the new universal religion has sway and the nature of esotericism is understood—will be the utilisation of the banded esoteric organisms, the Masonic organism and the Church organism as initiating centres. These three groups converge as their inner sanctuaries are approached. There is no dissociation between the One Universal Church, the sacred inner Lodge of all true Masons, and the innermost circles of the esoteric societies. Three types of men have their need met, three major rays are expressed, and the three paths to the Master are trodden, leading all three to the same portal and the same Hierophant.

 It must not be forgotten that only those souls who are on the Probationary Path or the Path of Discipleship will form the nucleus of the coming world religion. It exists on the inner planes for the purpose of gathering out of all the churches those who have reached the point in evolution where they can consciously and of their own free will place their feet upon that PATH which leads to the centre of peace; who can in full awareness turn their eyes upon the Great Lord, and transmute the life of worldly endeavour into the life of service. The first detachment gathered into the coming Church will be found to be a part of the present great band of servers. These have, down the ages, been associated with the Christ in His work. Remember always the fact of the work He did in connection with the last advent, and remember likewise that in the turning of the cyclic wheel, in the evolution of the spiral, similar conditions will eventuate, the same needs arise, and the same egos incarnate that were present in the days of old in Palestine. The numbers of those associated with Him will be greatly increased, [Page 514] for all who knew Him in earlier incarnations in the ancient East, all whom He cured or taught, all who contacted Him or in any way incurred karma with Him or with the Master Jesus, will have the opportunity to cooperate at this time. Each sincere aspirant who is closely connected with the present Church organisations, who feels a close link with the Christ and who loves Him, can be practically sure that in Palestine they saw Him, knew Him and mayhap served and loved Him.

 The sacraments, properly understood, serve to strengthen this link and realisation, and such a one as that of Baptism (when entered upon with understanding) will draw forth oft a response from the Great Lord Himself. It is almost as if a golden strand were directed from His heart to the heart of the servant—a strand unbreakable and unfathomable and which, with each administration of any of the holy rites in the succession of lives, becomes stronger, broader and brighter. Eventually these many strands will become reabsorbed into their source when the Body of the Christ—one of the seven Heavenly Men on the second or monadic plane—is completed in full expression, for each one linked to Him becomes, in a vital sense, a cell in His Body. This the initiate Paul truly sensed and knew. Via this strand passes the power to strengthen, to stimulate, to vivify and to bless, and this is the true apostolic succession. All true disciples are priests unto the Lord.

 There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organisations with material purpose, and become organisms with living objectives. When the Great One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have (after a period of intensive work on the physical plane beginning around the year 1940) the restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a consequence of the first initiation. Why can this be so? Because the Christ, [Page 515] as you know, is the Hierophant of the first and second initiations and He will, if the preparatory work is faithfully and well done, administer the first initiation in the inner sanctuaries of those two bodies. Many faithful workers will, during His period of work on earth, take this first initiation, and some few will take the second. The race has now reached a point where many souls are on the Probationary Path and need but the heightening of their vibration (made possible by His Presence) to reach the portal of the Path itself.

Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2024