Seed groups are in process of being "esoterically anchored" in the field of the world, having in them those who can respond to the subtler forces and who can–through the strength of their clear thought at this stage of the proceedings–produce those conditions (within the present existing world trends and world groups) which will enable the new sciences, the new approaches to divinity, the new education, and the new modes of handling the economic situation and the political problems, to precipitate and further the growth of the Kingdom of God in such a manner that this fifth kingdom in nature may be a tangible, factual and objective occurrence upon the Earth.
(Hierarchy, p.90)
These seed groups are embryonic and therefore, like germinating seeds, their activity is at present dual. Every seed demonstrates its life by putting out two outward evidences of its internal life and activity, and these seed groups are no exception to this universal law. Their activity is evidenced in a relation to the Hierarchy and their relation to each other. Not yet have they succeeded in emerging into outer plane activity. Their inner life is not adequately strong, but they are, as says the scripture, "taking root downwards" in order to "bear fruit upwards."
Should these groups develop as intended, should the corporate life of the members persist in right integral relation and should continuance be their keynote, then these seed groups, tiny as they may be, will come to flower, and–through an eventual "scattering of the seed," succeed finally in "covering the earth with verdure." I am speaking here in the language of symbolism which is, as you well know, the language of truth.
(Hierarchy, p.27)
The seed groups now in process of forming will be distinguished by the quality of fusion, and this should be as inevitable a development as is the separative and protective nature of the ordinary human consciousness. It is this sense of union and of at-one-ment which is the protective and essential characteristic of the fifth kingdom, and it is this latent, yet actively present, factor which leads unerringly and inevitably to the organisation–interior and subjective–of the seed groups, to their radiatory activity, and to the magnetic pull they evidence when duly organised. Thus they produce fusion and blending.
The influence of these new groups is due to the close inner relation demonstrated through uniform thinking and a recognised unity of purpose. It is for this reason (a truly scientific one in its nature) that I have emphasised so strongly the ordinary characteristics of the trained disciple, which are non-criticism, sensitivity and love. Where these are lacking, this simultaneous oneness and directed thought and this "group aroma" (as it is esoterically called, though the word I am attempting to translate is more adequate than the above) become impossible. I have not been interested in the elimination of hindering faults for the individual's sake, but for the carrying forward of the desired group purposes. The need is for group thinking of a powerful nature along the indicated lines; for visualisation of the Vision of such a clear nature that it becomes a fact for the individual; for the development and functioning of the imagination, applied to the lines of outcome and results, and functioning so creatively that the results are seen with clarity and must inevitably materialise. It involves also the holding of the inner subjective link with each other with such firmness that potent centres of force and of creative energy–working under inspiration from the Hierarchy, via the focussed minds of group members who are definitely en rapport with their [Page 104] souls and with each other–may function so successfully that the new civilisation and the new culture can be rapidly established. As this has to be founded on a basis of loving goodwill and upon nondestruction, and as its methods lead to right relations between men and nations, it is essential that the establishing groups should themselves express the subtler aspects of these desired virtues.
(Hierarchy, p.102-104)
The ten groups ara as follows:
1- Telepathic communicators
These people are receptive to impression from the Masters and from each other; they are the [Page 36] custodians of group purpose and, therefore, closely related to all the other types of groups. Their work is largely on the mental plane and they work in and with thought matter and with the reception and direction of thought currents. They are also working at the facilitation of communication between individuals so that the rules and methods whereby speech can be transcended may become known and the new way of intercourse be brought about…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Telepathic communication from soul to soul through alignment: from mind to mind through integration; between humanity and Hierarchy (the inner government of the planet) through the Science of impression.
2- Trained Observers
Their objective is to see clearly through all events, through space and time by means of the cultivation and use of the intuition. They work very largely on the astral plane at the dissipation of glamour, thus bringing in illumination to mankind. Thus another type of energy is brought into play, producing another type of inter-relation and communication. This communication is between the plane which is the plane of illumination and pure reason (the buddhic plane) and the plane of illusion and glamour, which is the astral plane. The Trained Observers are asked to remember that their great task is to dispel the world illusion through the pouring in of light…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Dissipation of world glamour, illusion and maya through illumination.
3- Magnetic Healers
These healers have no relation to the work of the so-called magnetic healers of today. They work intelligently with the vital forces of the etheric body. Much of their work is dealt with in the fourth volume of A Treatise on the Seven Rays. This group of healers must bring about the right healing of the personalities of individuals in all aspects of their nature. The work to be done is that of the intelligent transmission of energy to various parts of the nature–mental, emotional and physical–through the right organisation and circulation of force. Present day healers should endeavour to break loose from the modern and traditional ideas as to healing; they should recognise the stupendous fact that healing must eventually be carried forward by groups which will act as the intermediaries between the plane of spiritual energy (either soul energy, intuitional energy or will energy) and the patient or group of patients…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through "magnetic living". Through laws of life — laws of health and right human relationships. Through continuity of consciousness.
4- Educators in the New Age
Their service is along the line of culture and they will work to bring in the new type of education. Their emphasis will be upon the building of the antahkarana and upon the use of the mind in meditation. Again–much of this new educational science will be given in the fifth volume of the series. They will act as communicators and [Page 38] transmitters of two aspects of divine energy–knowledge and wisdom. These must be thought of in terms of energy. This fourth group (whose work is concerned with the education of the masses) is a direct intermediary between the higher mind and the lower mind…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Education through inflow of the light of knowledge into "instinctual man". — Through inflow of the light of th wisdom into "intelligent man". Through applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding in "spiritual man".
5- Political organisers
The fifth group will concern itself with political factors in every nation. They will work in the world of human government, dealing with the problems of civilisation and with the relationships existing between nations. The bringing about of international understanding will be their major objective. This group communicates the "quality of imposition", and an authority that is lacking in the other branches of this divine group activity. This work is largely first ray work. It will embody the method whereby the divine Will works out in the consciousness of races and nations.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
International understanding through communication of the divine (political) Will into races and nations, linking the department of the Manu (the Ruler of the human race) with men.
6- Workers in the field of religion
Their work is to formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a work of loving synthesis and it will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit. This group is, in a pronounced sense, a channel for the activity of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, that of the World Teacher–an office held at present by the Christ. The platform of the new world religion will be built by the many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ and the influence of the second ray and these–in their totality–will constitute this sixth group.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through transcendental mysticism. Through transcendental occultism. Through transcendental religion.
7- Scientific servers
They will reveal the essential spirituality of all scientific work which is motivated by love of humanity and its welfare, which relates science and religion and brings to light the glory of God through the medium of His tangible world and His works. They have a most interesting function but one which will not become evident for a long time–not until the building forces of the universe are better understood. This will be co-incident with the development of etheric vision.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through development of new hypotheses to substantiate the next step forward. Through sensitive reaction to spiritual energies and forces. Through release of energy to relate spirit and matter and precipitate the divine Plan.
8- Psychologists
They will form this next group and they will be concerned with the revelation of the fact of the soul and with the new psychology which will be based upon the seven ray types and the new esoteric astrology. Their major task will be to relate, through approved techniques, the soul and the personality, leading to the revelation of divinity through the medium of humanity. They will act also as transmitters of illumination between groups of thinkers and as illuminators of group thought. They transmit energy from one thought centre to another and, above everything else, they transmit the energy of ideas. The world of ideas is a world of dynamic force centres… These ideas have to be contacted and noted and their energy has to be assimilated and transmitted.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through relationship of the human kingdom to the sub-human and the super-human kingdom. Through a study of the divine Plan for the five kingdoms in nature.
9- Financiers and Economists
They will work with the energies and forces which express themselves through the interchange and the values of commerce; they will deal with the Law of Supply and Demand and with the great principle of Sharing which ever governs divine purpose. They will [Page 40] be the great psychometrical workers, for a psychometrist is one whose soul is sensitive to the soul in others and in all forms of life. The principle of Sharing which must govern economic relations in the future is a soul quality or energy and hence their work of relating soul with soul.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through study of the nature of prana or etheric energy. — Through study of deflection of this form of concretised energy into constructive channels and "ways of light". — Through study of the law of supply and demand.
10- Creative workers
They are communicators between the third aspect of Divinity, the Creative Aspect–as it expresses itself through the creative work and in response to the thought world–and the first aspect, Life. They link and blend life and form creatively. They are closely related to the ninth group because today, unknowingly and without any true understanding, they are bringing about a concretisation of the energy of desire; this in its turn brings about the creation of things. Incidentally, therefore, they are concerned with the concretisation of money. Their work is also largely philosophical and concerned with the task of relating–factually and scientifically–the other nine types of groups so that they may work creatively upon the physical plane and the divine Plan may clearly appear as a result of this synthesis which they bring about.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through linking life and form. Through philosophical relationship of all ten groups. Through demonstration of synthesis and the Plan.
(From the Institute of Planetary Synthesis)
(Hierarchy, p.90)
These seed groups are embryonic and therefore, like germinating seeds, their activity is at present dual. Every seed demonstrates its life by putting out two outward evidences of its internal life and activity, and these seed groups are no exception to this universal law. Their activity is evidenced in a relation to the Hierarchy and their relation to each other. Not yet have they succeeded in emerging into outer plane activity. Their inner life is not adequately strong, but they are, as says the scripture, "taking root downwards" in order to "bear fruit upwards."
Should these groups develop as intended, should the corporate life of the members persist in right integral relation and should continuance be their keynote, then these seed groups, tiny as they may be, will come to flower, and–through an eventual "scattering of the seed," succeed finally in "covering the earth with verdure." I am speaking here in the language of symbolism which is, as you well know, the language of truth.
(Hierarchy, p.27)
The seed groups now in process of forming will be distinguished by the quality of fusion, and this should be as inevitable a development as is the separative and protective nature of the ordinary human consciousness. It is this sense of union and of at-one-ment which is the protective and essential characteristic of the fifth kingdom, and it is this latent, yet actively present, factor which leads unerringly and inevitably to the organisation–interior and subjective–of the seed groups, to their radiatory activity, and to the magnetic pull they evidence when duly organised. Thus they produce fusion and blending.
The influence of these new groups is due to the close inner relation demonstrated through uniform thinking and a recognised unity of purpose. It is for this reason (a truly scientific one in its nature) that I have emphasised so strongly the ordinary characteristics of the trained disciple, which are non-criticism, sensitivity and love. Where these are lacking, this simultaneous oneness and directed thought and this "group aroma" (as it is esoterically called, though the word I am attempting to translate is more adequate than the above) become impossible. I have not been interested in the elimination of hindering faults for the individual's sake, but for the carrying forward of the desired group purposes. The need is for group thinking of a powerful nature along the indicated lines; for visualisation of the Vision of such a clear nature that it becomes a fact for the individual; for the development and functioning of the imagination, applied to the lines of outcome and results, and functioning so creatively that the results are seen with clarity and must inevitably materialise. It involves also the holding of the inner subjective link with each other with such firmness that potent centres of force and of creative energy–working under inspiration from the Hierarchy, via the focussed minds of group members who are definitely en rapport with their [Page 104] souls and with each other–may function so successfully that the new civilisation and the new culture can be rapidly established. As this has to be founded on a basis of loving goodwill and upon nondestruction, and as its methods lead to right relations between men and nations, it is essential that the establishing groups should themselves express the subtler aspects of these desired virtues.
(Hierarchy, p.102-104)
The ten groups ara as follows:
1- Telepathic communicators
These people are receptive to impression from the Masters and from each other; they are the [Page 36] custodians of group purpose and, therefore, closely related to all the other types of groups. Their work is largely on the mental plane and they work in and with thought matter and with the reception and direction of thought currents. They are also working at the facilitation of communication between individuals so that the rules and methods whereby speech can be transcended may become known and the new way of intercourse be brought about…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Telepathic communication from soul to soul through alignment: from mind to mind through integration; between humanity and Hierarchy (the inner government of the planet) through the Science of impression.
2- Trained Observers
Their objective is to see clearly through all events, through space and time by means of the cultivation and use of the intuition. They work very largely on the astral plane at the dissipation of glamour, thus bringing in illumination to mankind. Thus another type of energy is brought into play, producing another type of inter-relation and communication. This communication is between the plane which is the plane of illumination and pure reason (the buddhic plane) and the plane of illusion and glamour, which is the astral plane. The Trained Observers are asked to remember that their great task is to dispel the world illusion through the pouring in of light…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Dissipation of world glamour, illusion and maya through illumination.
3- Magnetic Healers
These healers have no relation to the work of the so-called magnetic healers of today. They work intelligently with the vital forces of the etheric body. Much of their work is dealt with in the fourth volume of A Treatise on the Seven Rays. This group of healers must bring about the right healing of the personalities of individuals in all aspects of their nature. The work to be done is that of the intelligent transmission of energy to various parts of the nature–mental, emotional and physical–through the right organisation and circulation of force. Present day healers should endeavour to break loose from the modern and traditional ideas as to healing; they should recognise the stupendous fact that healing must eventually be carried forward by groups which will act as the intermediaries between the plane of spiritual energy (either soul energy, intuitional energy or will energy) and the patient or group of patients…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through "magnetic living". Through laws of life — laws of health and right human relationships. Through continuity of consciousness.
4- Educators in the New Age
Their service is along the line of culture and they will work to bring in the new type of education. Their emphasis will be upon the building of the antahkarana and upon the use of the mind in meditation. Again–much of this new educational science will be given in the fifth volume of the series. They will act as communicators and [Page 38] transmitters of two aspects of divine energy–knowledge and wisdom. These must be thought of in terms of energy. This fourth group (whose work is concerned with the education of the masses) is a direct intermediary between the higher mind and the lower mind…
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Education through inflow of the light of knowledge into "instinctual man". — Through inflow of the light of th wisdom into "intelligent man". Through applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding in "spiritual man".
5- Political organisers
The fifth group will concern itself with political factors in every nation. They will work in the world of human government, dealing with the problems of civilisation and with the relationships existing between nations. The bringing about of international understanding will be their major objective. This group communicates the "quality of imposition", and an authority that is lacking in the other branches of this divine group activity. This work is largely first ray work. It will embody the method whereby the divine Will works out in the consciousness of races and nations.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
International understanding through communication of the divine (political) Will into races and nations, linking the department of the Manu (the Ruler of the human race) with men.
6- Workers in the field of religion
Their work is to formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a work of loving synthesis and it will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit. This group is, in a pronounced sense, a channel for the activity of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, that of the World Teacher–an office held at present by the Christ. The platform of the new world religion will be built by the many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ and the influence of the second ray and these–in their totality–will constitute this sixth group.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through transcendental mysticism. Through transcendental occultism. Through transcendental religion.
7- Scientific servers
They will reveal the essential spirituality of all scientific work which is motivated by love of humanity and its welfare, which relates science and religion and brings to light the glory of God through the medium of His tangible world and His works. They have a most interesting function but one which will not become evident for a long time–not until the building forces of the universe are better understood. This will be co-incident with the development of etheric vision.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through development of new hypotheses to substantiate the next step forward. Through sensitive reaction to spiritual energies and forces. Through release of energy to relate spirit and matter and precipitate the divine Plan.
8- Psychologists
They will form this next group and they will be concerned with the revelation of the fact of the soul and with the new psychology which will be based upon the seven ray types and the new esoteric astrology. Their major task will be to relate, through approved techniques, the soul and the personality, leading to the revelation of divinity through the medium of humanity. They will act also as transmitters of illumination between groups of thinkers and as illuminators of group thought. They transmit energy from one thought centre to another and, above everything else, they transmit the energy of ideas. The world of ideas is a world of dynamic force centres… These ideas have to be contacted and noted and their energy has to be assimilated and transmitted.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through relationship of the human kingdom to the sub-human and the super-human kingdom. Through a study of the divine Plan for the five kingdoms in nature.
9- Financiers and Economists
They will work with the energies and forces which express themselves through the interchange and the values of commerce; they will deal with the Law of Supply and Demand and with the great principle of Sharing which ever governs divine purpose. They will [Page 40] be the great psychometrical workers, for a psychometrist is one whose soul is sensitive to the soul in others and in all forms of life. The principle of Sharing which must govern economic relations in the future is a soul quality or energy and hence their work of relating soul with soul.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through study of the nature of prana or etheric energy. — Through study of deflection of this form of concretised energy into constructive channels and "ways of light". — Through study of the law of supply and demand.
10- Creative workers
They are communicators between the third aspect of Divinity, the Creative Aspect–as it expresses itself through the creative work and in response to the thought world–and the first aspect, Life. They link and blend life and form creatively. They are closely related to the ninth group because today, unknowingly and without any true understanding, they are bringing about a concretisation of the energy of desire; this in its turn brings about the creation of things. Incidentally, therefore, they are concerned with the concretisation of money. Their work is also largely philosophical and concerned with the task of relating–factually and scientifically–the other nine types of groups so that they may work creatively upon the physical plane and the divine Plan may clearly appear as a result of this synthesis which they bring about.
(Discipleship, I, p.35-40)
Summary of the work domains :
Through linking life and form. Through philosophical relationship of all ten groups. Through demonstration of synthesis and the Plan.
(From the Institute of Planetary Synthesis)