Κυριακή 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024





– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  September 8, 2024

Text read by brother  E.S.


When the centre is found by any human being and he becomes at-one with, and enters into relation with his soul, then he automatically shifts his position in the human family and—again speaking in symbols—finds himself part of the centre of light and understanding which we call, esoterically, the occult hierarchy, the cloud of witnesses, the disciples of the Christ, and other names according to the trend of the disciple's convictions.  This hierarchy is also attempting to externalise itself in the form of the group of World Workers, and when a man has found his soul and the principle of unity is sufficiently revealed to him he shifts also into this more exoteric group.

(A Treatise on White Magic, p. 529)

The energy of the New Group of World Servers, which (up to ten years ago) was a relatively negligible factor even though present, but which is now increasingly a force with which to reckon.  From certain angles, the energy of this group constitutes the hope of the world, and the task of increasing that potency is the task which is being laid before us today.

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 722)

The power which the New Group of World Servers will eventually yield, will be drawn from two sources:—first, from that inner centre or subjective world government, whose members are responsible for the spread of those ideals and ideas which have led humanity onwards from age to age.  This inner centre has always existed and the great leaders of the race, in every field, have been connected with it.  The great idealists and world workers, (such as the Christ and His great brother, the Buddha, and those lesser workers, such as Plato, Spinoza, Abraham Lincoln, or Florence Nightingale) have all been associated with this centre. 

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, pp. 663-664)

Influential and potent forces pouring in at this time from the great stars Betelgeuse and Sirius.  To these two influences, the disciples of the world in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers definitely react, and they produce a stimulation of the heart centre (Betelgeuse) and the head centre (Sirius). 

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 721)

The emphasis is laid upon the heart centre and upon the necessity to hold the forces there (symbolised by the clasped hands resting upon the heart) because the heart is the centre of loving, giving energy, and the distributor of life.

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 735)

The energy of the united Hierarchy of the planet which has lately made one of its "Great Approaches" to the physical plane.  This necessarily entails a more potent and significant and rapid pouring forth of the force of the Hierarchy with the subsequent stimulation of the higher centres in those sons of men who have reached the point of their evolution where they are close enough to their own souls to be affected. 

(Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 721)

learn to live as a soul and, therefore, free from identification with the body nature.  This brings out three things:

a. An ability to withdraw into the head consciousness and from that high place to direct the life of the personal self.

b. The power to pass through the various centers in the body those universal forces and energies which are needed for world work.  This has to be done consciously and in full awareness of the source from which they come, of the mode of their activity and of the purpose for which they must be used.  This involves also the understanding of which force is related to a center.  This consequently involves the necessity to develop the centers, to bring them into a state of potency and to harmonize them into a unified rhythm.

c. The capacity, therefore, to work at will through the medium of any particular center.  This is only possible when the soul can dwell as the Ruler on the "throne between the eyebrows" and when the Kundalini fire has been what is occultly called raised.  This fire has to pass up through the spinal column and burn its way through the web which separates center from center on the "Golden Rod of Power."

(A Treatise on White Magic, p. 572)

When energy from the Ego controls, or imposes its rhythm upon the various sheaths via their respective major centres, when the triple fire is mounting in orderly fashion via the triple channel, and when the three head centres are united in triangular fashion, then we have illumination or the irradiance of the entire personality life, darkness gives place to light, and the Sun of Knowledge arises and dispels the darkness of ignorance.  The minor centres are concerned with the internal co-ordination of the sheath, the major with the group co-ordination or the interrelation of one sheath to another.  The man becomes a burning and a shining light, radiating forth a light which burns from within.

When the next step is accomplished, and the energy of the Monad, focussed through the jewel, makes itself felt also on the physical plane, passing through the triple egoic lotus via the channels already utilised by the Ego, we have a man who is "inspired," who is a spiritual creator, and who is himself "a Sun of Healing Radiance."

(A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1130-1131)

The "sphere of radiation" is a potent instrument in service, and its extent and purity of contact should he cultivated by the pledged disciple. There is true occult teaching in the statement in The New Testament that "the shadow of Peter passing by healed." His aura was of such a nature that it had a beneficent effect wherever and whenever it touched or contacted those in his environment. The control of the Christ over His aura was such that "He knew when virtue had gone out of Him"—He knew, therefore, that healing energies had poured through one of His centres to a needy person or group of persons. It is the aura, and its potency of attraction, and its stability, which also holds a group together, which also keeps an audience listening, and which makes an individual of importance along some definite line of approach to his fellowmen. The "sphere of radiation" is easily determined by those who seek it out and who watch the effect of the radiation upon people in their community and environment. One highly emotional person, working through an overdeveloped and uncontrolled solar plexus centre, can wreck a home or an institution. I give this as an illustration. One radiant, creative life, consciously using the heart or the throat centres, can carry inspiration to hundreds. These are points well worth careful consideration. You must, however, bear in mind that these centres are brought into activity by the cultivation of certain major virtues, and not by meditation or concentration upon the centres. They are brought automatically into the needed radiatory condition by right living, high thinking and loving activity. These virtues may seem to you dull and uninteresting, but they are most potent and scientifically effective in bringing the centres into the desired radiatory activity. When the task is done, and when all the centres are living spheres of outgoing, radiatory activity, they swing into each others' orbit so that the initiate becomes a centre of living light and not a composite of seven radiant centres. Think on this.

(Τelepathy and the Εtheric Vehicle, p. 174)

The entire human family is today an amazing receiver of impressions, owing to the myriad types of susceptible mechanisms.... It is because of this that the human kingdom (the great middle kingdom whose function it is to mediate between the higher and the lower) is the subject of so much divine impression, conveying the purpose of Sanat Kumara....

(Τelepathy and the Εtheric Vehicle, p. 86)

Finally, it might be said that the entire human kingdom will eventually be a major magnetic centre upon our planet, invoking all the higher kingdoms upon the formless planes and evoking all the lower or subhuman kingdoms upon the planes of form. Some day, two-thirds of the human family will be sensitive to impacts coming from the Mind of God, as that Mind fulfils its intentions and carries out its purposes within our planetary ring-pass-not. In its turn, humanity will provide the area of mind within whose ring-pass-not the subhuman kingdoms will find the correspondence of the Universal Mind which they need for their unfoldment; man, as you well know, is the macrocosm for the microcosm of the lower kingdoms in nature. This is the goal of all human service.

(Τelepathy and the Εtheric Vehicle, p. 62)

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