Τετάρτη 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2022


M E D I T A T I O N 



Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.

It is held every 15 days on Wednesday evenings



 There are three great laws, that we might term the fundamental laws of the cosmos, of that greater system (recognised by all astronomers), of which we form a part, and seven laws inherent in the solar system.  These seven we might consider secondary laws, though, from the standpoint of humanity, they appear as major ones.

a. Three Cosmic Laws.  

The first of the cosmic laws is the Law of Synthesis.  It is almost impossible for those of us who have not the buddhic faculty in any way developed, to comprehend the scope of this law.  It is the law that demonstrates the fact that all things—abstract and concrete—exist as one; it is the law governing the thought form of that One of the cosmic Logoi [Page 568] in Whose consciousness both our system, and our greater centre, have a part.  It is a unit of His thought, a thought form in its entirety, a concrete whole, and not the differentiated process that we feel our evolving system to be.  It is the sumtotal, the centre and the periphery, and the circle of manifestation regarded as a unit.

The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion.  Fundamentally, the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a centre in the planet; and that holds the matter of all physical plane bodies, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic centre.

The third law is the Law of Economy, and is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force.  It makes perfect each atom of time, and each eternal period, and carries all onward, and upward, and through, with the least possible effort, with the proper adjustment of equilibrium, and with the necessary rate of rhythm.  Unevenness of rhythm is really an illusion of time, and does not exist in the cosmic centre.  We need to ponder on this, for it holds the secret of peace, and we need to grasp the significance of that word through, for it describes the next racial expansion of consciousness, and has an occult meaning.

In the nomenclature of these laws much is lost, for it is well nigh impossible to resolve abstractions into the terms of speech, and not lose the inner sense in the process.  In these laws we again have the threefold idea demonstrated, and the correspondence, as might be expected, holds good. 

[Page 569]

The Law of Synthesis      The Will Aspect                 1st Aspect.

The Law of Attraction     The Love Aspect               2nd Aspect.

The Law of Economy       The Activity Aspect          3rd Aspect.

b. Seven Systemic Laws.

Subsidiary to the three major laws, we find the seven laws of our solar system.  Again we find the law of analogy elucidating, and the three becoming the seven as elsewhere in the logoic scheme.  In each of these seven laws we find an interesting correlation with the seven planes.  They are:

  1. The Law of Vibration, the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane.  This is the atomic law of the system, in the same sense that on each of our planes the first subplane is the atomic plane.
  2. The law of Cohesion.  On the second plane cohesion is first apparent.  It is the first molecular plane of the system, and is the home of the Monad.  Divine coherency is demonstrated. 
  3. The Law of Disintegration.  On the third plane comes the final casting-off, the ultimate shedding of the sheaths, of the fivefold superman.  A Chohan of the sixth Initiation discards all the sheaths beneath the monadic vehicle, from the atmic to the physical. 
  4. The Law of Magnetic Control holds sway paramountly on the buddhic plane, and in the development of the control of this law lies hid the control of the personality by the Monad via the egoic body. 
  5. The Law of Fixation demonstrates principally on the mental plane and has a close connection with manas, the fifth principle.  The mind controls and stabilises, and cohereney is the result. 
  6. The Law of Love is the law of the astral plane.  It aims at the transmutation of the desire nature, and links it up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane.
  7. The Law of Sacrifice and Death is the controlling factor on the physical plane.  The destruction of the form, in order that the evolving life may progress, is one of the fundamental methods in evolution.

The Intermediate Law of Karma.

There is also an intermediate law, which is the synthetic law of the system [Page 570] of Sirius.  This law is called by the generic term, the Law of Karma, and really predicates the effect the Sirian system has on our solar system.  Each of the two systems, as regards its internal economy, is independent in time and space, or (in other words), in manifestation.  We have practically no effect on our parent system, the reflex action is so slight as to be negligible, but very definite effects are felt in our system through causes arising in Sirius.  These causes, when experienced as effects, are called by us the Law of Karma, and at the beginning they started systemic Karma which, once in effect, constitutes that which is called Karma in our occult and oriental literature.

The Lipika Lords of our system, the systemic Lords of Karma, are under the rule of a greater corresponding Lord on Sirius.

We have therefore:

 1. The three cosmic laws of Synthesis, Attraction and Economy.

2. The Sirian law of Karma.

3. The seven laws of the solar system.

As we have been told, our seven major vibrations are the vibrations of the lowest cosmic plane; there is our habitat.  Our Logos Himself, the heart of His system, is on the cosmic astral plane; he is polarised there.  Just as the units of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, are evolving through the use of physical bodies, but are polarised at this time in their astral vehicles, so we have seen that the objective solar system forms the physical body of the Logos, though His polarity is in His astral body.  It is significant that in this greater manvantara, the Logos is to take the fourth cosmic Initiation.  A hint which may enlighten lies in the correspondence which exists between this statement and the [Page 571] fourth root-race development, and this, the fourth or astral round.

The system of the Sirian Logos is on the cosmic mental plane, and in a subtle way, incomprehensible to us, our Logos, with His system, forms a part of a still greater Logos.  This does not involve loss of identity, though the matter is too abstruse to express more adequately.  It is in this analogy that the basic idea can be found of all teaching given out about the Grand Heavenly Man.  The whole conception of these laws is bound up in this idea.  We have the three laws of the cosmic higher planes, holding in a synthesis of beauty the greater and the lesser system.  Next we have the great law of Sirius, the Law of Karma, on the third subplane of the cosmic mental plane, which law really controls our Logos, and His actions, in the same way as the ego—in due course of evolution—controls the human personality.

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