for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity
June 26, 2022
Text read by sister Α.D.
for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity
June 26, 2022
Text read by sister Α.D.
In connection with this building of man's sheaths
certain interesting points of manifestation occur which might be dealt with
now, leaving the student to work out the correspondences in relation to the
system and the planet, and giving only general indications which may be of use
to him in his conclusions. [Page 787]
In all the work of form-building, certain very vital
occasions occur which concern the Ego even more than the sheaths themselves,
though the reflex action between the lower personal self and the higher is so
close as to be well nigh inseparable.
The moment wherein the Ego appropriates the
sheath. This takes place only after the
fourth spirilla is beginning to vibrate, and the period differs according to
the power of the ego over the lower self.
In connection with the dense physical vehicle, an analogy can be seen
when the Ego ceases from his work of overshadowing, and at some period between
the fourth and seventh year makes his contact with the physical brain of the
child. A similar occurrence takes place
in connection with the etheric vehicle, the astral, and the mental.
The moment wherein the energy of the Ego is
transmitted from one sheath to a lower one.
It is often overlooked that the path of incarnation is not a quick one,
but that the Ego descends very slowly and takes possession gradually of his vehicles;
the less evolved the man, the slower is the process. We are dealing here with the period of time
which transpires after the Ego has made the first move towards descent, and not
with the time which elapses between two incarnations. This work of passing on to a plane for
purposes of incarnation marks a definite crisis, and is characterised by the
exertion of the will in sacrifice, the appropriation of the substance in love,
and its energising into activity.
The moment wherein the particular type of force with
which any particular sheath is energised is appropriated. This brings the sheath concerned:
a. Under the influence of the egoic ray,
b. Under the influence of a particular subray of the
egoic ray,
c. And through that influence,— [Page 788]
Under certain astrological influences,
Under certain planetary radiations,
Under the influences of certain force currents, emanating from certain constellations.
These three events have a very interesting analogy in connection with the work of the Logos in the construction of His physical body, the solar system, and also in certain correspondences which can be seen embodied in facts dealt with at the first three Initiations.
From the standpoint of the lower self, the two most
vital moments in the work of the reincarnating Ego, are those in which the
mental unit is re-energised into cyclic activity, and in which the etheric body
is vitalised. It concerns that which
links the centre at the base of the spine with a certain point within the
physical brain via the spleen. This is
dealing purely with the physiological key.
We might now touch upon a very interesting point
concerning the dense physical body, dealing therefore with that which is not
considered a principle either in the macrocosm or the microcosm. As we know, man is essentially mental man,
and astral man; then the two take to themselves an etheric sheath for purposes
of objective work. That is the true
lower man, these two in the etheric body.
But later—in order to know even on the lowest plane of all—man takes to
himself a coat of skin, as the Bible expresses it, and puts on (over his
etheric body) that outer illusory form we know so well. It is his lowest point of objectivity and his
direct "imprisoning." This
appropriation of a dense sheath by the Ego is subject to a very peculiar piece
of karma connected with the four Kumaras, or Heavenly Men, Who form the logoic Quaternary. In the schemes which concern the logoic Triad
(or those of the three major Rays or Heavenly Men) dense physical incarnation
is not the appointed [Page 789] lot, and man
functions in his lowest manifestation in etheric matter.
This appropriation of the lowest body is distinguished
in several ways from the approach to the other sheaths. For one thing, there is no permanent atom to
be vitalised. The physical plane is a
complete reflection of the mental; the lowest three subplanes reflect the
abstract subplanes and the four etheric subplanes reflect the four mental
concrete planes. The manifestation of
the Ego on the mental plane (or the causal body) is not the result of energy
emanating from the permanent atoms as a nucleus of force but is the result of different
forces, and primarily of group force. It
is predominantly marked by an act of an exterior force, and is lost in the
mysteries of planetary karma. This is
equally true of man's lowest manifestations.
It is the result of reflex action, and is based on the force of the
group of etheric centres through which man (as an aggregate of lives) is
functioning. The activity of these
centres sets up an answering vibration in the three lowest subplanes of the
physical plane, and the interaction between the two causes an adherence to, or
aggregation around, the etheric body of particles of what we erroneously term
"dense substance." This type
of energised substance is swept up in the vortex of force currents issuing from
the centres and cannot escape. These
units of force, therefore, pile up according to the energy direction around and
within the etheric sheath till it is hidden and concealed, yet
interpenetrating. An inexorable law, the
law of matter itself, brings this about, and only those can escape the effect
of the vitality of their own centres who are definitely "Lords of
Yoga" and can—through the conscious will of their own being—escape the
compelling force of the Law of Attraction working on the lowest cosmic physical
An interesting analogy (accurate on general lines [Page 790] though in detail not so apparent) exists
between the building of the antaskarana on mental levels between the mental
unit and the manasic permanent atom (whereby the Path of Liberation is
travelled, and man set free) and the opening up of the channel between the
centre at the base of the spine and the brain and thence to the head
centre. Through this latter channel man
escapes out of the dense physical body, and continuity of consciousness
(between the astral and the physical planes) is reached. In the one case, through right direction of
force, the etheric web no longer forms a barrier; it is destroyed and the man
is fully conscious in the physical brain of what transpires on the astral
plane. In the other case, the causal
body also is eventually destroyed through the right direction of force. We will not here take up the specific work of
building upon the scaffolding of the etheric body the dense physical form. It has been sufficiently dealt with in other
books. We will only want to touch upon
two more points which are of interest in this consideration of the work of the
lunar Pitris in building man's body.
In connection with the building of the dense body, it
should be stated that it appears as a human form, much in the nature of a cross
within the ovoid of the other spheres. It is notably of a fivefold nature:
Two Arms.
Two Legs.
According to the position assumed by the man, he is seen as a symbol of the cross and is then fourfold (the two legs being considered as one lower limb) or, if separated, as fivefold, and has been then considered as the symbol of the five-pointed star. This fivefold nature of the dense physical body is brought about through the fact that only five centres primarily are really active in average man up to the third Initiation; all are there, and all are vitalised, but only five in this fivefold normal evolution are dominant. The force emanating from these five, therefore, sweeps the dense substance into a close aggregation. As two of the centres are not functioning as actively as the other five, an ovoid is not formed as in the case of the etheric, astral and mental sheaths. The fivefold shape of physical man is the result of the fivefold direction of force currents from five centres.
It might be interesting also to point out that the
interaction of the energy of the solar Pitris and of the lunar Pitris produces
a very definite effect upon the lower group of lunar Pitris, and is one of the
means whereby they will eventually reach the stage at which the solar Pitris
are. This (if fully realised by man)
will bring him to a very careful control of his sheaths, and to a close
attention to the direction in which his force or energy is turned. He is responsible for the work of aiding in
the evolution of substance, being himself a manasaputra.
(Α Treatise on
Cosmic Fire, pp. 786-791
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