Πέμπτη 11 Αυγούστου 2022

  MEDITATION: LION FULL MOON         Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 21:00

(Exact full moon time 12/8 - 04.35)



 In the truly developed self-conscious man not only is direction, purpose and plan present, but also a consciousness of the active agent of the plan and actionn. Ponder on this. (ΕΑ: 288-289)

August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo. This I shall later elaborate in the papers to be written anent the new "Approaches" to spiritual reality.

Mercury again comes, at this point, into our discussion, and you thus have the formation of an esoteric quaternary, affecting powerfully the major quaternary of man—spirit, soul, mind and brain. This energy brings about an inter-relation and an inner awakening which prepares the aspirant for initiation. This higher quaternary is Sirius-Leo-Mercury-Saturn. You have, therefore:

Sirius               Leo                  Mercury          Saturn

Spirit               Soul                 Mind               Brain.

Life                 Quality              Illumination     Appearance.

Inhalation        Interlude           Exhalation       Interlude.

[Page 300]

The above tabulation gives you the clue to the basic reality and necessity of meditation as practised by the disciple and the initiate. This may not be apparent to you at first sight and I may not further expand these suggestions, but the directed reflection of the illumined mind may bring insight to you in time. The influence of Sirius is not consciously felt until after the third initiation when the true nature of the spirit aspect begins to dawn upon the liberated, intuitive perception of the initiate. For the advanced initiate in this sign, and after the third initiation, Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to respond to its vibration because he now rules the Sun and the Moon and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and the Moon have become to him—simply planets to be ruled. This is a great mystery and I simply state the fact. Sirius, Leo, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned. The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called "the heart of the Lion." There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point.

It will be apparent to you (given a little thought) that the Sun, as it veils Neptune, produces a potent effect upon the personality, symbolised for us here by the astral body, whilst Uranus (which is also veiled by the Sun) symbolises the effect of the soul upon the personality. Hence the activity of the seventh ray, which is—from one angle—the lowest aspect of the first ray. Hence you have also the underlying idea of:  [Page 301]

1. The awakening of the personality to soul control and contact, with a true expression eventually, in the three worlds, of soul-will, desire and intent.

2. The awakening of the seventh centre, the centre at the base of the spine, by the soul working through the first or highest head centre and producing (as a consequence) the surging upwards of the kundalini fire. This, in its turn, produces fusion with the higher forces. When this takes place the three major centres in the body are

The Head                                The Heart                               The base of Spine

Central spiritual Sun            The heart of the Sun             The physical Sun.

Sirius                                       Mercury                                   Saturn.

The Sun                                   Uranus                                     Neptune.

 As the above alignment corresponds to a very high stage of initiation, it will not be possible to grasp all the implications, but enough may be apparent to reveal the underlying theme and purpose of the great work.

Several major triangles of force were active when individualisation took place and the "Lions, the divine and tawny orange Flames" came into being and thus humanity arrived upon the planet. I would touch here briefly upon one triangle: The Sun (second ray), Jupiter (second ray) and Venus (fifth ray). It will be apparent to you that we here have another sphere of influence of major importance, governed by Leo. It is a triangle to which H.P.B. refers in The Secret Doctrine, the influence of which she was endeavouring to elucidate. So potent was the influence of this triangle that its effect upon the Moon was to denude her of life by drawing out all the "seeds of life," thus destroying her influence, for it was undesirable where humanity was concerned. 

All worlds are on trial,

And the Tablets of the Creator are inscribed with the records of the trial.

And the Sun of Suns shines to the everlasting Song of the Great Labor.

(Leaves of Morya’s Garden, The Call: § 200)

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