THURSDAY 22/12, time: 21.00
It is interesting to study the three signs in which the animals have horns: Aries, the downturned horns of the ram, signifying the coming into manifestation, the involutionary cycle and the experience of the Cardinal Cross as it expresses the Will-to-manifest of God. Taurus, the up-turned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicting the push of man, the Bull of God, towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from bondage with the two horns (duality) protecting the "eye of light" in the centre of the Bull's forehead; this is "the single eye" of the New Testament which makes the "whole body to be full of light." Then Capricorn, the Goat, related particularly and closely to Aries, but hiding (as an esoteric blind) the symbolism of the Unicorn in which the two horns and the single eye are blended and depicted by the long straight horn of the unicorn in the centre of the forehead.
Behind all the above lies the dual mystery of Leo, for Leo is—as far as humanity is concerned—the key or clue to the entire zodiac and around the constellation Leo two great mysteries are found:
The mystery of the Sphinx, connected with the relation of Leo and Virgo, and
tied up with the secret of the solar Angels. This is not the mystery of soul
and form, but the mystery of the higher and the lower mind and their relation
to each other.
The Mystery of the Lion and the Unicorn. This secret is preserved for us in the
ancient nursery rhyme about the "lion and the unicorn going up to
town," and contains in a peculiar way the secret of initiation and the
"going up" of the human being to the portal of admittance into the
Hierarchy as well as the "mystic raising" of which Masonry holds the
key. This deals with the emergence of the consciousness of the initiate (white
and one-pointed) and the defeat of the king of beasts (the personality) leading
to the triumph of group and world consciousness, of selflessness and
illumination over self-consciousness and selfishness. In the true rendition of
this ancient myth the king of beasts is blinded and killed by the piercing of
his eye and heart by the long horn of the unicorn.
symbol of this sign is indecipherable and intentionally so. It is sometimes
called the "signature of God." I must not attempt to interpret it for
you, partly because it has never yet been correctly drawn and partly because
its correct delineation and the ability of the initiate to depict it produces
an inflow of force which would not be desirable, except after due preparation
and understanding. It is far more potent than the pentagon and leaves the
initiate "unprotected."
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