Τετάρτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

 M E D I T A T I O N 



Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 20.00

It is held every 15 days on Wednesday evenings



3. The Law of Solar Evolution

It is, of course, a truism to state that the Law of Solar Evolution is the sum-total of all the lesser activities. [Page 1055] We might consider this point in connection with the planetary atom, and the solar atom.

The planetary atom has, as all else in nature, three main activities:

First.  It rotates upon its own axis, revolves cyclically within its own ring-pass-not, and thus displays its own inherent energy.  What is meant by this phrase?  Surely that the milliards of atoms which compose the planetary body (whether dense or subtle) pursue an orbital course around the central energetic positive unit.  This dynamic force centre must be considered as subsisting naturally in two locations (if such an unsuitable term is permissible) according to the stage, usage, and particular type of the indwelling planetary entity.

a. In what corresponds to the head centre in man, if the planetary Logos is of very advanced development.

b. In the planetary correspondence to the heart centre.

The throat centre is, of course, ever vibrant in all the Logoi, as all are fully intelligent Creators, having perfected this capacity in an earlier solar system.

Students should here bear in mind that these centres of force are to be found depicted in the central Triangles upon the chart on page 373, though no indication is to be found through a study of such triangles as to the relative attainment of the planetary Logos.  Within the chains likewise, will be found corresponding centres of energy, and also within the dense physical body of the Logos of any scheme, the physical planet.

One such centre is to be found at the North Pole, and two more are located within the planetary sphere, and frequently the inflow of force or energy to these internal centres (via the polar centre) results in those disasters we call earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.

There is, as we know, a cyclic shifting of polar inclination, [Page 1056] due to the gradually increasing responsiveness of the planetary Logos to His heavenly Prototype, whereby influences from the Great Bear draw, or occultly "attract," the attention of the Logos, and bring Him more into line with a greater impulsive Will.  This shifting causes disruption in His lower manifestation, which is a condition on the cosmic Path of Initiation analogous to that undergone by a disciple.

The planetary atom revolves upon its axis and comes periodically under influences which produce definite effects.  These influences are, among others, those of the moon, and of the two planets which lie nearest to it on either side—nearer and farther away from the Sun.  The moon's influence is exceedingly strong, and has a curious resemblance (as far as the physical planet is concerned) to the "Dweller on the Threshold," which has such a familiar and potent effect upon the human atom.  The resemblance must not be strained, for it should be borne in mind that the moon has no effect upon the Heavenly Man Himself, as His stage of evolution negates such a thing, but that the influence felt is by the planetary Entity the sumtotal of the elemental essences of the planet.  Scientific occult students will learn much anent the planetary scheme when they consider the influence of the moon's karmic pull upon the earth, coupled with the effect of the two neighboring planets, occultly understood.

Second, the planetary atom also revolves orbitally around its solar centre.  This is its expression of rotary-spiral-cyclic action, and its recognition of the divine central magnet.  This brings it under the constant impression of other schemes, each of which produces effects upon the planet.  It likewise brings it under the inflowing streams of energy from what are termed the zodiacal constellations which reach the planetary scheme via the great centre, the Sun.  It will be apparent to any student [Page 1057] who has even slightly developed the power of visualisation, and has some realisation of the force currents of the solar system, that all can be regarded as the swirling tide of intermingling currents, with numerous focal points of energy demonstrating here and there, yet in no way static as to location.

The third activity of the planetary atom is that which carries it through space along with the entire solar system, and which embodies its "drift" or inclination towards the systemic orbit in the heavens.

The solar atom must be considered as pursuing analogous lines of activity and as paralleling on a vast scale the evolution of the planetary atom.  The entire solar sphere, the logoic ring-pass-not, rotates upon its axis, and thus all that is included within the sphere is carried in a circular manner through the Heavens.  The exact figures of the cycle which covers the vast rotation must remain as yet esoteric, but it may be stated that it approximates one hundred thousand years, being, as might be supposed, controlled by the energy of the first aspect, and therefore of the first Ray.  This of itself is sufficient to account for varying and diverse influences which may be traced over vast periods by those with the "seeing eye," for it causes a turning of varying parts of the sphere to the differing zodiacal constellations.  This influence (in connection with the planets) is increased or mitigated according to the place of the planets on their various orbital paths.  Hence the immense complexity of the matter and the impossibility for the average astronomical and astrological student to make accurate computations or to draw accurate horoscopes.  Within the Hall of Wisdom, there exists a department of which the modern varying astrological organisations are but the dim and uncertain reflections.  The Adepts connected with it work not with humanity but concern Themselves specifically with "casting the horoscopes" (thus [Page 1058] ascertaining the nature of the work immediately to be done) of the various great lives who inform the globes and kingdoms of nature, with ascertaining the nature of the karmic influences working out in the manifestation of three of the planetary Logoi:

 1. Our own planetary Logos.

2. The planetary Logos of our polar opposite.

3. The planetary Logos of the scheme which makes with the two above mentioned a planetary triangle.

 Beyond that, They may not go.  They progress these various horoscopes for the next stated cycle, and Their records are of profound and significant interest.  I would conjure students here to refrain from attempting (in years to come) to form cyclic computations of any kind, for as yet the many constellations which exist only in physical matter of an etheric nature are unknown and unseen.  Yet they are potent in influence and until etheric vision is developed, all calculations will be full of error.  It suffices for man as yet to master his own dharma, to fulfil group karma, and to dominate what is called "his stars."

Like the planetary atom, the solar atom not only rotates on its axis but likewise spirals in a cyclic fashion through the Heavens.  This is a different activity to the drift or progressive dynamic motion through the Heavens.  It deals with the revolution of our Sun around a central point and with its relation to the three constellations so oft referred to in this Treatise:

 The Great Bear.

The Pleiades.

The Sun Sirius.

 These three groups of solar bodies are of paramount influence where the spiral cyclic activity of our system is concerned.  Just as in the human atom the spiral cyclic [Page 1059] activity is egoic and controlled from the egoic body, so in connection with the solar system these three groups are related to the logoic Spiritual Triad, atma-buddhi-manas, and their influence is dominant in connection with solar incarnation, with solar evolution, and with solar progress.

Further, it must be added that the third type of motion to which our system is subjected, that of progress onward, is the result of the united activity of the seven constellations (our solar system forming one of the seven) which form the seven centres of the cosmic Logos.  This united activity produces a uniform and steady push (if it might so be expressed) toward a point in the heavens unknown as yet to even the planetary Logoi.

The confines of the Heavens Themselves are illimitable and utterly unknown.  Naught but the wildest speculation is possible to the tiny finite minds of men and it profits us not to consider the question.  Go out on some clear starlit night and seek to realise that in the many thousands of suns and constellations visible to the unaided eye of man, and in the tens of millions which the modern telescope reveals there is seen the physical manifestation of as many millions of intelligent existences; this infers that what is visible is simply those existences who are in incarnation.  But only one-seventh of the possible appearances are incarnating.  Six-sevenths are out of incarnation, waiting their turn to manifest, and holding back from incarnation until, in the turning of the great wheel, suitable and better conditions may eventuate.

Realise further that the bodies of all these sentient intelligent cosmic, solar and planetary Logoi are constituted of living sentient beings, and the brain reels, and the mind draws back in dismay before such a staggering concept.  Yet so it is, and so all moves forward to some unfathomable and magnificent consummation which will only in part begin to be visioned by us when our consciousness [Page 1060] has expanded beyond the cosmic physical plane, and beyond the cosmic astral until it can "conceive and think" upon the cosmic mental plane.  That supposes a realisation beyond that of the Buddhas who have the consciousness of the cosmic physical plane, and beyond that of the planetary Logoi.  It is the consciousness and knowledge of a solar Logos.

To the occult student, who has developed the power of the inner vision, the vault of Heaven can therefore be seen as a blazing fire of light, and the stars as focal points of flame from which radiate streams of dynamic energy.  Darkness is light to the illumined Seer, and the secret of the Heavens can be read and expressed in terms of force currents, energy centres, and dynamic fiery systemic peripheries.

(Α Τreatise on Cosmic Fire, A. Bailey, pp. 1055-1060)

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