Δευτέρα 6 Μαρτίου 2023


(Exact full moon time 7/3/2023 - 14.40)

  T H E  P A T H  

Seek not, O twice-blessed One, to attain the spiritual essence before the mind absorbs.  Not thus is wisdom sought.  Only he who has the mind in leash, and sees the world as in a mirror can be safely trusted with the inner sense.  Only he who knows the five senses to be but illusion, and that naught remains save the two ahead, can be admitted into the secret of the Cruciform transposed.

The path that is trodden by the Server is the path of fire that passes through his heart and leads to the head.  It is not on the path of pleasure, nor on the path of pain that liberation may be taken or that wisdom comes.  It is by the transcendence of the two, by the blending of pain with pleasure, that the goal is reached, that goal that lies ahead, like a point of light seen in the darkness of a winter's night.  That point of light may call to mind the tiny candle in some attic drear, but—as the path that leads to that light is trodden through the blending of the pair of opposites—that pin point cold and flickering grows with steady radiance till the warm light of some blazing lamp comes to the mind of the wanderer by the way.

Pass on, O Pilgrim, with steady perseverance.  No candle light is there nor earth lamp fed with oil.  Ever the radiance grows till the path ends within a blaze of glory, and the wanderer through the night becomes the child of the sun, and enters within the portals of that radiant orb.

(Alice Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 761)

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