Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2025




  Sunday February 23, 2025

 Τext which has been shared 

   Hierarchical Adjustment and Alignment   

   (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 524-527)

What do I mean by the use of the word "adjustment" in connection with the Hierarchy? Adjustment to karma, to the personality, to the soul, to circumstances in the three worlds, to the impact of astral forces, or to the thought currents of those not oriented to the Kingdom of God, does not constitute part of the training of Those Who are beyond the third degree of initiation. Initiates on and beyond that level have transcended reaction along these lines, whilst those below the third initiation are in process of rapid adjustment. I use the word `adjustment' here definitely in the sense of reorientation, and in this sense much can be noted.

   For aeons and for countless cycles, the Hierarchy has functioned withdrawn into a silence on the higher levels of the mental plane and on the buddhic levels where contact has had to be made with Them by those disciples who have, by discipline, development and service, fitted themselves to establish such a relationship. This reorientation and emergence into physical plane publicity is going to demand much from the Members of the Hierarchy. Just as it has not been easy for me to establish and retain contact with you, even when you have established the right to such a contact, [Page 525] so—for Them—it is going to be still more difficult to be in touch with those who are not even disciples.

   For aeons and for cycles, the Members of the Hierarchy have been submitting Themselves to the needed training in order to react correctly when fuller contact has been established by Shamballa with the Hierarchy. I would have you note the phrasing here. That contact has now been established as a result of the inflow of certain extra-planetary forces and by an "act of determined direction," emanating from the Council Chamber of the Lord of the World. Misunderstand me not. The Hierarchy has always been in touch with the "Place of Purpose" (as it has been called) through the medium of its Chohans and its senior Directors, such as the Christ, the Manu and the Lord of Civilisation. These great Beings have steadily revealed this purpose to the Members of the Hierarchy so that They have been able to grasp and work out the emerging Plan. But even to the Masters the Shamballa force has had to be stepped down, just as the force of the Hierarchy requires modifying for the average disciple and aspirant, if they are to respond constructively to it.

   Today, however, things are somewhat changed. New inflowing energies and the partial "sealing" of evil in its own place (a sealing which will be progressively effective) have made a closer relationship possible. The Masters are somewhat freer from certain of the arduous labours of the past cycles. Some of the available inflowing Shamballa forces are being absorbed directly by humanity and by certain of the subhuman kingdoms, particularly the mineral kingdom. This latter absorption will lead eventually, when complete, to those volcanic episodes and those basic earthquakes which will change the face of the earth by the time the sixth rootrace comes into manifestation. It is this direct inflow to the kingdoms functioning exoterically in the three worlds which has relieved and will to some extent relieve the otherwise overpowering pressure upon the Hierarchy, and will also act as a great aligning antahkarana between the three planetary centres. It is to this alignment I refer in this instruction—[Page 526] the alignment of the three centres upon this planet and the adjustments that this necessitates and inevitably enforces.

   For the sake of humanity in the first place, and secondarily for the development of the subhuman kingdoms, the Hierarchy has made certain difficult adjustments and alignments between the planetary centres, and these have been compulsory in their effects. Therefore, bear in mind that the adjustments which the Hierarchy may impose upon itself bear small resemblance to the adjustments which you have to make in relation to your personality life. They are all hallmarked by the idea of service to the whole. The Hierarchy in its true sense has no personality through which to express itself, and this greatly complicates the problems which have to be faced as it contemplates exoteric manifestation and work.

 (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 524-527)

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