It is held every 15 days on Wednesday evenings
4. The entire work of
the Great White Lodge is controlled from Sirius; the Ashrams are subjected to
its cyclic inflow; the higher initiations are taken under its stimulation, for
the principle of buddhi, of pure love (i.e., love-wisdom) must be active in the
heart of every initiate prior to the initiation of the great decision; it is
therefore only initiates of the fifth, sixth and higher initiations who can
work consciously with the potent buddhic "livingness" which permeates
all Ashrams, though unrecognised by the average disciple.
5. This Sirian
influence was not recognised, and little of it was definitely focussed in the
Hierarchy, until Christ came and revealed the love of God to humanity. He is the expression, par excellence, of a
Sirian initiation, and it is to that high place He will eventually go—no matter
what duties or hierarchical obligations may take Him elsewhere between that
time and now. The Buddha was originally
to have chosen the fourth Path but other plans confront Him now and will
probably claim His choice.
6. Sanat Kumara is not
on the Sirian line but—to speak in symbols, not too deeply veiled—Lucifer, Son
of the Morning, is closely related, and hence the large number of human beings
who will become disciples in the Sirian Lodge.
This [Page 416] is the true "Blue
Lodge," and to become a candidate in that Lodge, the initiate of the third
degree has to become a lowly aspirant, with all the true and full initiations
awaiting him "within the sunshine of the major Sun."
7. None of the above
facts indicates divergence of view between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, nor do
they signify cleavage or differing aims and goals. The whole subject is reflected in such minor
relations on Earth as those between:
a. The Spiritual Triad and the Personality.
b. The mental unit and the manasic permanent atom.
c. Atma-Buddhi.
d. The Christ and the Buddha.
The above somewhat
uncorrelated items of information will give you a general idea of the
significant connection between our unimportant little planet and that vast
expression of divinity, the Life which is manifesting through Sirius; it is an
expression which is organised and vital beyond anything man can vision and which
is free to a completely unlimited extent, again beyond the power of man to
comprehend. The principle of freedom is
a leavening energy which can permeate substance in a unique manner; this divine
principle represents an aspect of the influence which Sirius exerts on our
solar system and particularly on our planet.
This principle of freedom is one of the attributes of Deity (like will,
love and mind) of which humanity knows as yet little. The freedom for which men fight is one of the
lowest aspects of this cosmic freedom, which is related to certain great
evolutionary developments that enable the life or spirit aspect to free itself
from the impact, the contact and the influence of substance.
It is the principle of
freedom which enables Sanat Kumara to dwell on the Earth and yet stand free
from all contacts, except with Those Who have trodden the Path of Liberation
and now stand free upon the cosmic physical plane; it is that which enables the
initiate to achieve a state of "isolated unity"; it is that which
lies behind the Spirit of Death and forms the motivating power of that great
releasing Agency; it is that which provides a "pathway of power" [Page 417] between our Hierarchy and the distant sun,
Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the "culture of freedom" or
of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of the Wisdom; it is that
which produced the ferment and the vortex of conflict in far distant ages and
which has been recognised in the present through the results of the Law of Evolution
in every kingdom in nature; this is that which "substands" or lies
under or behind all progress. This
mysteriously "exerted influence," this "pulling away" from
form (as we might simply call it), emanates from Sirius and for it we have no
name; it is the law of which the three cosmic laws—the Laws of Synthesis, of
Attraction and of Economy—are only aspects.
None of these three subsidiary laws imposes any rule or limitation upon
the Lord of the World. The Law of
Freedom, however, does impose certain restrictions, if one can use such a
paradoxical phrase. It is responsible
for His being known as the "Great Sacrifice," for (under the control
of this law) He created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it,
in order to learn to wield this law with full understanding, in full
consciousness, and yet at the same time to bring release to the myriad forms of
His creation.
Alice Bailey, THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS, pp. 415-417)
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