The Cosmic Bloodstream
Electricity, Plasma and the Divine Circulatory Flow
While science is steadily uncovering the electrical nature of the human being – the way in which the brain and nervous system, the heart and the blood, are all powered by electrical processes – an hiatus remains in understanding how the human being is electrically connected to his environment. If this hiatus were to be bridged, man’s potential role as a conscious, electrical intermediary between the microcosm and the macrocosm would begin to reveal itself. As yet, electricity is dismissed as a significant factor in universal processes, but it is a truth that is knocking ever louder on the door. When finally admitted entrance, the realization that a cosmic bloodstream circulates throughout all that lives and breathes will help to transfer the concept of "the brotherhood of man" from mere romanticism to hard scientific fact.
In the words of H.P. Blavatsky, the way in which the universe initiates and coordinates its building processes is:
"By the radiant light of the universal magnetic ocean, whose electric waves bind the cosmos together, and in their ceaseless motion penetrate every atom and molecule of the boundless creation…Alone," she says , "the study of this agent, which is the divine breath, can unlock the secrets of psychology and physiology, of cosmical and spiritual phenomena."1
To begin unlocking these secrets then, science will first discover the underlying electric currents that circulate throughout the whole of manifested existence. And indeed, leading plasma physicists are already revealing the lowest aspects of them through their realisation that electromagnetic currents and radiation pervade the vast, seemingly empty reaches of outer space. When this truth is acknowledged and accepted into mainstream science, the fact that the blood of all living organisms begins its cycle as a precipitation from a universal, circulating flow of electric waves, will become a more credible hypothesis. Tentative recognitions in this direction have, in fact, already been made, but their significance has yet to be fully appreciated.
1 Isis Unveiled vol I, p. 282. H P Blavatsky
The Cosmic Bloodstream, Part 2
It was a moment of outstanding intuition that, in the 1920's, led the industrial chemist and Nobel Laureate, Irving Langmuir, to coin the term "plasma" for the electrified gases he was researching, and which proliferate in interstellar space. He noted that these gases carry ions and electrons similar to the way blood plasma carries red and white corpuscles. Both plasma in space and plasma in the blood are, in effect, electrified fluids, carrying both energy and various substances from one region to another.
Another Nobel Laureate, the plasma physicist, Hannes Alfven, remarked that in the earth's magnetosphere "there are thin, rather stable current layers which separate regions of different magnetization, density, temperature etc.…It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that similar phenomena exist also in more distant regions. This is bound to give space a general cellular structure (or more correctly, a cell-wall structure)." 1
As the Ageless Wisdom teachings regard Space as an entity, the discovery of electrically produced cell walls in space is highly significant. And bringing the thoughts of these two great scientists together, we have the premise that through the cellular structure of space runs an arterial flow of electricity, forming, in effect, a huge intergalactic circuit or cosmic bloodstream. In our own corner of the galaxy, the sun forms a sub-circuit within this galactic circuit, receiving and emitting a flow of charged particles that pour into and out of the polar regions of all the planets, mirroring in the macrocosm the way in which the blood cells flow through the heart to all the other organs of the body.
"There is a regular circulation of the vital fluid throughout our system, of which the Sun is the heart—the same as the circulation of the blood in the human body—during the manvantaric solar period, or life; the Sun contracting as rhythmically at every return of it, as the human heart does. Only, instead of performing the round in a second or so, it takes the solar blood ten of its years, and a whole year to pass through its auricles and ventricles before it washes the lungs and passes thence to the great veins and arteries of the system.... Astronomy knows of the fixed cycle of eleven years when the number of solar spots increases, which is due to the contraction of the Solar HEART.... It is similar to the regular and healthy pulsation of the heart, as the life fluid passes through its hollow muscles. Could the human heart be made luminous, and the living and throbbing organ be made visible, so as to have it reflected upon a screen... then every one would see the Sun-spot phenomenon repeated every second—due to its contraction and the rushing of the blood." 2
There is a clear correspondence between the electric plasma of space and the mammalian bloodstream, for the latter is also essentially an electric phenomenon. To quote HPB again:
"…Red corpuscles are drops of electrical fluid, the perspiration oozing out of every cell of the various organs, and caused to exude by electrical action. They are the progeny of the Fohatic principle." 3
While medical science currently holds that the blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow (the spleen, liver and lymph nodes in the embryo), they are in fact, direct precipitations from the soul’s vehicle on its own plane – unevolved life atoms from the vital streams that circulate around the causal vehicle. These pass down through the personality vehicles, to circulate, in turn, around the etheric body before finally precipitating out of every cell of the various organs of the physical body through electrical action. "Electricity is the ghost or shadow of matter in motion", and behind the blood circulatory system runs an electric current – the interface between man’s physical and etheric body.
Interestingly, scientists appear to be on the verge of discovering how to manipulate matter in such a way that blood can be precipitated from the ethers in the laboratory. Researchers at The University of Manchester have recently developed a new technique that uses electricity to engineer bone marrow. "By varying the voltage and using different shapes, cells can be positioned and stacked on top of each other in any pattern. Different electric fields can also be used to attract different types of cells. But most important of all is the fact that the cells can be kept alive and active." "We have proven this technique works, and have created some very simple Hematon structures in the lab," says Dr Markx. "If we can perfect this then it may be possible to create artificial bone marrow outside the body and produce any given blood type." 4
Whether this possibility is granted to humanity at its present stage of evolution we shall see, but for now it is simply interesting to witness this broad spectrum of scientific discovery. At the microcosmic level there is the blood plasma, inextricably linked with electricity, while at the macrocosmic level there are plasmas forming high-energy shapes and patterns in space. Both kinds of plasma act as transporting agencies and evolve in complex and unpredictable ways through dynamic, interactive behaviour. Yet despite this complexity they are both governed by relatively simple and well-defined laws that will be explored presently. The immediate and striking thought is that the plasma that pervades space, far from being a lifeless and randomly dispersed gas is more akin to the blood plasma – a living element that is purposefully fulfilling a circulatory role within the body of a cosmic entity.
- Cosmology: Myth or Science? H Alfven
- The Secret Doctrine vol 1, pp 541-542. H P Blavatsky
- Collected Writings vol XII, p. 700. H P Blavatsky
The Cosmic Bloodstream, Part 3
From the Cosmic to the Microcosmic Bloodstream
Space plasma as discussed in the previous section, is but the grosser counterpart of a more "radiant electric substance", generally referred to in esoteric texts as the ether. And it is the active aspect of this ether that forms the true divine circulatory flow or bloodstream of the unknown cosmic entity. The electric currents that circulate through space plasma are simply mirroring the eternal motion of the ether at a denser level of cosmic manifestation.
These etheric currents of space are comprised chiefly of hydrogen and oxygen only in a more subtle form than science recognises them in our atmosphere:
"Before these gases become what they are in our atmosphere, they are interstellar Ether.... Hydrogen, a very inflammable gas, and Oxygen, which produces combustion, form water which is one of the forms of primordial force or fire, in a cold or latent and fluidic form". In their higher forms, hydrogen is "the first-born element . . . most nearly allied to protyle...and oxygen instils the fire of life into the "Mother" by incubation. They are the Spirit, the noumenon of that which becomes in its grossest form oxygen and hydrogen on Earth"1 |
As these subtle forms of Hydrogen and Oxygen precipitate from the ether, they form a fire-mist or vapour from which is secreted a rarefied form of ozone presently unknown to chemistry, but regarded by the guides of the race as the elixir of life. It is the electrical interaction of this higher form of ozone with physical substance that results in the production of blood:
Interestingly, for many years much claim-making has been made about the medical value of the mundane form of ozone that is currently known to science, some doctors and biochemists believing that it has remarkable healing properties. Ozone therapy has been popular for some time whereby the gas produced from medical grade oxygen is administered in small precise therapeutic doses into the blood. To date researchers are uncertain whether ozone has a natural physiological role, but the instinctual direction of their research is in line with occult teachings. Studies by Dr Paul Wentworth Junior and colleagues at the Scripps Research Institute USA have led them to believe ozone is naturally created in the human being by neutrophils – the most abundant type of white blood cells.3 If it is confirmed that ozone is indeed produced endogenously by these white blood cells in the human immune system, even sceptics have conceded that this would be of great significance and give merit to the concept of ozone as a medicine. While terrestrial oxygen in the form of ozone is known to have toxic effects if administered to the human being in all but very small amounts, a fledgling science does seem to be emerging, and if this were to lead to the discovery of the higher allotrope of ozone as mentioned above, tremendous life-giving properties would be brought to humanity.
The Waters of Space
Having briefly explored the watery connection between the ether and the bloodstream, noting that hydrogen and oxygen are the constituent elements of both, it is not surprising that the idea of water was often used to describe the nature of the ether in esoteric texts: In the Tibetan's words:
"We have generated a term we call the ether. Occultly speaking, this is the modern way of expressing "the waters of space", which are the waters of desire, in which we are immersed."4 |
Terms such as "the waters of space" and "the waters of desire" are ancient, but effective ways of describing the ether as a creative medium that becomes an active, electric fluid when impregnated by cosmic will and desire. Indeed, we read in Genesis that "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters", and so began the story of Creation.
Man, being made in the image of God, is also a creative agent, and his will and desire to create is similarly impregnated in his etheric body (the ether that surrounds and interpenetrates his physical body) prior to being electrically precipitated into his bloodstream via the endocrine glands. Ninety per cent of the blood plasma is formed of water whose constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, carry the electric charge of primordial fire or ether through which the subjective man manifests himself in the objective world. The blood is literally the life aspect, red with desire, and the quality of desire that man is unceasingly precipitating into his bloodstream determines the fineness or coarseness of the physical body through which he expresses himself.
As the blood is a medium through which the will and desire of man is translated into active expression, so can a similar process be detailed on the cosmic level. Desire, cosmic or mundane, is an animating force and its presence in the universal ether generates motion and results in creativity of some kind. When the will and desire of a cosmic life impregnates the ether, the downward pressure of these cosmic waves fuses specks of ether into electric charges. The cosmic idea is thus propelled into a volatile plasmic state after which it later settles down to further clothe and conceal itself in a garment of gaseous, liquid and physical matter. Here we have the four states of matter that give form to an idea on the physical plane and correspond to the four elements of the ancients: fire, air, water and earth.
Fire/Plasma > Air/Gaseous > Water/Liquid > Earth/Physical
- The Secret Doctrine vol 1, p. 626, H P Blavatsky
- Footnote to "Psycho-Physiological Notes "H P Blavatsky [ The Theosophist, Vol. V, No. 3(51), December, 1883, pp. 81-83]
- A Treatise on White Magic, p. 275, A A Bailey
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