Πέμπτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2023



By A.D.


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Objective and Subjective work in Greece


Beginning with some astrological and ray elements concerning the nation, I will focus next on the esoteric group, the one motivated by the Teachings of Ageless Wisdom and mainly the blue books.

Main aim of the presentation is to come together, build the European subjective field and facilitating the global effort to Unification as we move towards 2025.

The national group

The One Humanity is differentiated into ethnicities, occupying certain territories, in a certain period and constitute the fusion of the forms that we call Nation or Race.

The Souls that embody these Nations or Races remain free from identification with national or racial forms until they project onto Earth.

Nations are re-incarnated and each time have a new form, new personality and consequent ray changes`, as well as vehicles.

If reincarnation is significant enough and worthwhile in a form, constitutes what we call civilization or culture.

Such seems to have been the ancient Greek civilization.

The signs that govern the Soul nation (Virgo) and its personality (Capricorn), with rulers present us with following:

Virgo (the sign of all Saviors) Mercury (4th ray) exoteric ruler, Moon (4th ray and here Vulcan 1st ray) esoteric ruler and Jupiter hierarchical.

  The Mercury-Moon-Vulcan relationship creates political conflicts.

The 4th ray rules humanity. 1st ray is detected by Greek researchers as the nation Soul ray, but might be the influence of the ruler Vulcan that is responsible for this perception.

Soul and personality rulers have more importance at some stage of evolution than the zodiac signs, we are told.

Capricorn Saturn (3rd ray) is the exoteric & esoteric ruler and Venus (5th ray) the hierarchical. Venus according to some speculation has as its three main rays- Per.2h, S. 5h, Μ. 6 which will be transferred to the 2nd ray.

Saturn (brain) is in alignment with mind (Mercury)? And, if the brain-mind alignment is a fact, might we speculate that the National Group is in the process of aligning the mind+brain+soul, which constitutes the next evolutionary step? It is a question.

   The combination of Virgo with the Star in the East (Sirius- 2nd, 4th rays) is also in our mind.

Present nation incarnation seems to have been marked by the bridging, grounding or revealing Light of Mind and transmitting with the help of other Nations, such as the Roman, to our wellknown Europe.

  If this hypothesis is accurate, one can explore the initiation that the nation might faces.

Another working hypothesis can be made also, that Greece as a Soul nation belongs to the 4th Group of NGW`s, related to culture, education and structuring of what is known as 'antahkarana'. The rainbow bridge that unites the physical world with the world of spiritual existence. Does the nation respond to the New Age Trainers?

The Free Arts (Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music), Scientific Thought, Philosophy, Mathematics and Geometry, Rhythm, the Beauty of Architecture and Sculpture, Theater, but also Democracy as a political system of government are found in the Soul nation expression. Also, Simplicity and Elegance, are some prominent qualities. Souls who grounded these qualities are well known, but also Avatars, as it is said for Socrates.

Here, we recall Master Serapis, a Chohan of the 4th ray, who seems to have karmic relations with the Greek nation, incarnated as Hippocrates and/or Asclepius of the mythical era. He collaborates especially with the Mahatsohanian Force of the 3rd ray and with Master Hilarion (5th ray) who has chosen Crete as his residence. Can we investigate Ashramic relations related to Europe?

The grounding of the mental in Ancient Greece, which Blavatsky mentions shows to 3rd ray for personality, according to some speculation.

In the book 'The Soul and its Mechanism' written by A.A.Bailey, we read: "... Although Aristotle, according to the Greek way, gives priority not to the will but to the mind..." and thus we are heading towards 3rd ray and/or a Saturnian effect. She mentions:

“The early Christian Fathers were greatly influenced by Greek ideas about the soul, and their teaching was later colored by Gnosticism and Manichaeism, which were essentially overturned by the Teachings of Ageless Wisdom.”

We know that some rays may be out of manifestation for some circles. For example, the 4th ray, and the 1st ray, that is active only in mental plane. And we are told that, when the rays are outside of physical manifestation, some difficulties are caused both in the operation and in the integration of units or groups that they affect.

Ιf Greece is effected by the 4th ray –hrough sign or rulers–, as well as for all nations affected by this ray, such as India, Austria, Brazil, Germany, Italy, a growing impulse is expected after 2025. It will result in the further integration of the personality of these nations in such a way as to express the soul plan and purpose more fully.

Greece's participation in the Geneva Centre (2nd ray) –together with Darjiling–, indicates more subjective influences than objectives ones.

  For the 2nd ray Ego for an individual (but it could be true for entities or nations) we read:

“A man who —being, through personality predilection, a creative artist— suddenly takes a deep and profound interest in mathematics, might be inferred to be coming under the influence of a second ray soul; (EP, II:335)”

Ancient Greeks and modern are famous in the field of Mathematics. It brings to mind the said of Pythagoras: «no one ignorant of geometry may enter».

Focusing on the rays of the West (2/4) and the East (4/3) and at the same time on the supposed 3rd and 4th ray influences for the nation, the dharma was possibly taken in the East – where we have the wonderful Schools of Mysteries of Chaldean, Egypt, Greece etc. – and might be executed in the West.

And perhaps there lies the Preparatory School, the gift to the Western School of the Occultism and Humanity.

As early as the 20s, we are told that some individuals in the countries of Greece, America, India, Russia, Australia, Scotland are monitored by the Hierarchy, as they may provide it with useful data for its future efforts. (IP:299)

Finally, because the rays of Humanity are 2nd and 4th we read that: "…nations and countries, whose ruling rays are the second and fourth,  must and will play an important role in determining the destiny of men" (WP:102).

Each nation has a point of evolution (and of consciousness, as they are not always identified). Its virtues and defects are related to its point of evolution,  the measure of control of the soul ray and to the general orientation.

Each Nation also, like every human being, expresses itself through its 7 main chakras. The ray qualities and emanations of five or six cities are expressions of the centers in the vital body of each nation.

For Greece, if the capital was designated as such on 09/18/1834, then Athens is also under the sign of Virgo and perhaps therefore better expresses the Soul of the National Group.

  The investigation of internal trends and effects on the environment can reveal the truth.

If we focus on the personality Nation, we recognize qualities as materialism, crystallization, satisfaction of personal assurance and ambition, discontinuity (3rd ray), competition and conflict, unilaterally applied law judged in moderation of individual interest, selfishness, separateness, demagoguery.

And at the same time there is an ability in the market and in war, ingenuity, unruly and free ego, insubordination to any imposition, quickness and agility in thought, quickness in reactions, skillfulness in diplomacy, ability to engraving brilliant political designs, individual bravery, courage and endurance, multitasking, commercial prowess (the Greek traveler, Ulysseus as a model -) ability to communicate.

  Austria, Greece, India, Japan and Spain have Capricorn as personality ruler.

Focusing our attention on soul energies, we meet the Artistry of the Virgin, beauty, ability for critical analysis, mental focus, the awakening of the mind, the birth of the Son in the manger of the heart. Enlightenment and Revelation can describe the actions of the Virgin, the Light of the Christ Life.

If we attempt to examine the lines of racial understanding and the interactions between the Nation with others, we will mention Australia, which is also ruled by Capricorn and due to a vibrational identity many Greeks live and thrive there. And a Greek-Australian , as we will examine later, introduces global incentives in Greece.

With the U.S.A. and Canada there are also ties through immigration and permanent settlement of Greeks in these countries. For the USA we would also see a relationship through the signs Cancer-Capricorn that are polar to each other, but also Virgo (Jupiter, 2nd ray, but also Moon 4th ray) associated with the 2nd ray of the USA.

 Germany through its soul ray 4th might be related to Greece. Immigrants from Greece have worked and are working there. Music creation, philosophy, theatre could be recognized as ray understanding among nations. Germany offered CULTURE.

The French nation is friendly to the Greek. Perhaps the supposed effects of the 3rd and 5th rays produce mutual recognition and vibration similarity. The relationship is probably more mental and to mention some: the Greek educational system which is encyclopedian, advanced Greek thinkers and artists created in France, the influences of movements such as that of May 1968 in Greece, the massiveness of protests. France offered, among other, ENCYCLOPEDISM.

With the Italian nation there is an ancient relationship caused the GrecoLatin civilization, through which later Renaissance emerged.

The interaction with the National Russian Group might has to do with some sharing of the same line of energy, 2-4-6. The relations between the two Groups are very old and friendly, often with interaction and common understanding.

Finally, Greece claims a leading role in modern times, in the region of the Balkans and it has been in cooperation in the Communist project in the area in the 4Os. We do not forget what has been said by DK in A+I:4TH Ch.

“the Near East and Europe—Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Palestine, the Arab States, Egypt and Russia—are under a heavy overshadowing cloud. Can that cloud be dissipated by the right thinking and planning of Great Britain, the United States and the majority of the United Nations or—must it break in disaster over the…”.

  The esoteric group

We know that the higher Soul ray qualities of each National Group are felt and recorded by its more developed conscious members, who somehow represent and distribute the energies of its Soul.

The advanced groups of each nation respond to the Law of Understanding, which emphasizes brotherhood and identification of all souls with the One Supreme Soul, we read in 'The Destiny of the Nations'. It is a Law that responds to Aquarian energies and will therefore be fully activated in the next 2000 years to bring Humanity later to the Mount of Transfiguration.

Each Nation proceeds through certain evolutionary stages. In the 2nd solar system and through the 2nd ray, the gift of initiation is a fact. ‘Initiation’ is opposed to the ‘Evolution’ of the previous solar system. It is an intersection in time. In the New Era through the increased radiance and power of the New Group of World Servers (NGW`s), we often observe, in various nations, the mental development of the masses to be parallel to the spiritual development of the advanced humanity. We need to strengthen it.

And the Hierarchy is aligned with the right elements of each Nation. It does not stand neutral.

  The purpose and function of the NGW`s is triple, as we know:

  1.  To connect Hierarchy and Humanity.

2.  To transfer human consciousness from the planetary Throat planetary center (Humanity) to the Ajna planetary center (NGW`S) , the center of fusion for the integrated soul and personality of humanity.

3.  To evoke the soul of the nations.

As one of the three tasks of the NGW`s is to “evoke the soul of nations”, the Soul ray of each Nation should be evoked and we might work in Europe in this direction.

Within this framework of trends, orientation and influences on the environment that we outlined above for the National Group, we can examine the subjective and objective work of the Esoteric Group.

My presentation is based on personal experience, research, group work participations, or coordination during the last forty years. It is an oral history and a witness. Necessarily, it concerns a part of the work and some of the group projects.

Within Dictatorship of the junta, and towards its end, specifically in 1972, the 24 blue books were published.

When my personal involvement began in 1980, the Lucis Trust pamphlets were distributed and Arcane School accepted students to train in the New Age Teachings. Towards the end of the decade, the first books in the Agni Yoga series were released.

Since then, the students and the researchers of the Ageless Wisdom in Greece, form 'societies' or 'associations' for the dissemination of the books/all available material and the implementation of meditative work, in the largest cities Athens, Thessaloniki, etc.

The ‘Society for Philosophical Studies. Alice Bailey’ in Athens and ‘Horus’ in Thessaloniki are some examples of these ‘associations’ that attempted to side with the theme of all propaganda work for the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom.

The book 'The Rainbow Bridge, I' was translated, published, and distributed free of charge and a first ‘Compilation on the Rays’ was also published and delivered. Also the magazin STEROPIS was delivered.

Young, aged people showed a growing interest in the issues of esotericism and a lot of individuals were attracted to the work.

The emphasis within this period of preparatory work is mainly laid on SERVICE (preparing for the reappearance of Christ) and not YET to  INITIATION (preparation for initiation incorporates the disciplines of the personality).

Only after 2000 (under Shamballa impact?) the first concern for Initiation is detected to the esoteric group interest.

The national illusions that embody national psychological characteristics, based on the influences of the rays, the history of the past, the established desires and aspirations, as well as the universal interactions are also present in the esoteric group.

Some relevant observations are available by a Greek researcher:

  1. Overemphasis on form, materialism which hides reality. The result is a tendency towards ('who said what'), a search for becoming rather than being, and a consequent intellect.
  2. Perception of the group work and the Plan symbolically. It is understood as symbolizing something and not BEING.
  3. Perception of the truths of the Teachings as an end-goal, and not as a means. It tends to obsession with the old and crystallization.
  4. Non-acceptance of the partiality of truths in space and time-dogmatism-
  5. The intelligentsia of esotericism hinders the transition from intellect to insight.

Despite the above, many distinct groups of study, meditation, practical application of Teachings, celebration of the 12 spiritual festivals of the year were developed in the Greek territory.

Some students also turned their focus to the problems of Humanity and, of course, of Greece. One such problem that concerned both esoterists and environmentalists was the cremation of the dead. A group of students in Athens established an association to promote the idea of cremation in Greece. The Orthodox church was against both the group and the idea. Pamphlets were distributed to promote the idea to the masses of the Greek people. Events, workshops, and a large conference were organized around 2000---Shamballa`s impact?--- in collaboration with environmental groups, legal and local services, as well as political parties and political persons. Α prefecture was provided for the establishment of incinerators by the Municipalities. But the Greek church is struggling against it. Thus, many years after the current legislation, after about twenty years, the first incinerator is established in Greece.

However, some researchers, within the Greek group ascertain two main trends in the action of the group as a whole, isolation and non-cooperation.

Both these trends concern: first relations within the wider Greek group of esoterists and second, relations with the global group.

As far as the global interaction, some crucial impact came from Australia –same soul sign with the nation with the introduction of Seminars from the International Esoteric Healing Network by a Greek-Australian brother. I think it brought a boom to the space. On the one hand, it attracted wider masses of people, health professionals, doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, and psychotherapists, who were introduced to esoterism, while the seminars were organized on the study of ‘Esoteric Healing’.  On the other hand,  the students of esotericism through the seminars better understood or deepened in the Teachings and many groups were formed that applied esoteric healing. Was it a transfer back to Europe?

It was the first opening to the global group. Esoteric Healing (3rd aspect emanation) and Esoteric Astrology (3rd ray influence) used to be the two subjects that spread the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom in the Greek audience.

From 2000 onwards, the first collaborations with joint workshops and events with other internal groups, such as Agni Yoga, Theosophical Society, groups of the International Esoteric Healing Network working in Greece, and Freemasonry, began. They came together during the Full Moons, Festivals, Conferences or Seminars.

There was a quest now, to ‘strengthen the hands’ of the New Group of World Servers and to get in touch with the global esoteric community.

By 2000 there were contacts in various ways -participation to meditation projects, researching, translating material for Greek audience, invited researchers in Greece, organizing seminars- with the global group: with ‘Shamballa School’ from New Zealand, ‘Ururvati Group’ from Italy, and other individuals from global group of disciples.

Greek esoteric group invited Kathy Newburn, Bruce Lion, Antonella Nobilio, Philip Lindsay, Malvin Artley.

There was an orgasm of acquaintance with brothers from the global group and an expansion of communication and contact, if not cooperation.

During that period, a forum from Thessaloniki under the name ‘FOHAT’ was presented in the esoteric group. Students of the ageless wisdom, theosophists, goodwill workers, teachers of healing and yoga, esoteric astrologers and  buddhists were participating. The posts were interesting and interaction was offered. Spreading of Teachings, exchanging of studies, communication and interaction were some prominent outcomes. Today it is inactive, but it is an archive for the group's activity with a vast material.

In December 2012, an event was organized for the first time in Greece (the second celebration for Greece followed in 2019), the seven-year celebration of NGW`s. A conference was held with workshops aiming to presenting goodwill groups and various fields of goodwill actions, through theater, education, music etc. and with main subject the "Soul of the Nation".A blog and a page on social media were created. The blog is still well informed with thousands of visitors in Greek and English languages.

Gradually, a rhythmic group work was established within esoteric group. Some groups got along with other groups in the meditation sessions of Full and New Moons. Once or twice a year, Conferences are held and the NGW`s Celebration is established, along with Solstices and Equinoxes meditative projects.

‘Dissipation of Glamour’ hold in mind the 2nd group from NGW`s, ‘Building Antahkarana’ - 4th group in NGW`s, the Educators-, ‘Education in the New Age’ are some of the projects on which steadily and rhythmically work some groups now. A book is prepared on the subject ‘Discipleship and Rays’.

The global annual Conferences of the University of the Seven Rays and the Morya Federation acted lately (from 2018 and onwards) as an urge for presenting global groups` work in Greek language and thus lectures and videos have been and still are translated and presented. Many people enroll as students in the Morya Federation esoteric school (apart from Arcane School) is it a transfer of America again to Europe?

In 2019, a meditative project ‘Invoking the Soul of the Greek Nation’ had being inaugurated by a group, during the quarantine and 'coincidentally'!!! with the opening of a similar project by Morya Federation. Still now, we invoke the soul of the Greek nation within the frame of invoking the Soul of Nations and the One Soul of Humanity.

Little by little, a more extroverted action of Greek esoteric group is observed and a relative decentralization from the personal self. We have before us the challenge of merging with the global group and the recognition that we are an integral member of the group.

  Is this a step towards the New Age?

Could the establishment of a work model with rhythmic cooperative fraternity to lead to larger cooperation within the group, with other groups subjectively and with the Plan of Light and Love?

Does the need to establish a New Culture in the esoteric group through organization and relevance, the magical work of White Magic, beginning to emerge in the group?

Does the Invocation of the Soul nation constitute a pace in the run-up to the Preparatory School?

What could be the future contribution of the National and Esoteric Group to European integration and Global Unity?

The ancient offering has been completed and the new one is to emerge.  

OM   OM   OM

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