Κυριακή 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2023





– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  December 17, 2023

Text read by sister E.S.

«Μay it seal the door where evil dwells»

Arcane School - Letter, December 2023

 Dear fellow student,

Our recent World Goodwill seminars in Geneva, London and New York explored the crises of discrimination that humanity is facing as a consequence of emerging technologies. From Synthetic biology to Artificial intelligence, concerns are growing, particularly over the potential loss of human control and free will. Nevertheless, these mounting crises can all serve to reveal underlying values and further develop the “discriminative perception between right and wrong or between spirituality and materialism” that is so necessary to “seal the door where evil dwells.”

What is our understanding of evil planetary and cosmic – and why does the former require transmuting through pure, ethical living, whereas the latter requires sealing behind ‘a door’? Planetary evil, we are told, is the “innate tendency to selfishness and to separation which is inherent in the substance of our planet” – a tendency which can be transmuted through the Science of Redemption. Cosmic evil however, is a stream of force that humanity was never meant to encounter,* and this “finds its major expression in wrong thinking, false values and the supreme evil of materialistic selfishness and the sense of isolated separativeness.”

Distinguishing between these two types of evil isn’t so easy then, for selfishness and separation are terms used to define both. Notably though, cosmic evil has an intensity that resonates more profoundly with the negative pole of the universal pair of opposites spirit and matter. It is expressed in a less personal way than the human “selfishness” of planetary evil, through a compelling, but deeply materialistic, group vision. It cultivates the human sense of “separation” that constitutes planetary evil into a sense of separative group purpose and glory. A pictorial analogy might be found in the way the lower, separative mind beholds a star shining in isolated splendour as it rotates about itself in the darkness of space, whereas the higher, synthesizing mind beholds something entirely different:

Lift up thy head, O Lanoo; dost thou see one, or countless lights above thee, burning in the dark midnight sky?'' "I sense one Flame, O Gurudeva; I see countless Undetached sparks shining in it(1).

Unlike planetary evil, which is fueled by wrong desire and often expressed through “foul and vile” human behaviour – cosmic evil is pure and disciplined in its materialistic vision – a vision that can seem to be in the interests of the many through that which is right and good. An illustration of this is to be found in the political life of Otto von Bismarck who is credited with founding the first welfare state in a modern industrial society. In the words of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Bismarck “actively and skillfully pursued pacific policies in foreign affairs, succeeding in preserving the peace in Europe for about two decades.”(2) While historians generally praise Bismarck as “a visionary,” his autocratic domestic policies cultivated a fierce type of nationalism that became engrained in German culture culminating in two World Wars.

School students may find a comparison of the political life of Otto von Bismark with that of Abraham Lincoln highly educative in terms of the nature of good and evil. According to the Tibetan, both were racial avatars – “Lincoln coming forth from the very soul of a people,” Bismark, “coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today… Both men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites.”(3)

In today’s confused world, strong, charismatic figures can still massively influence national and international affairs along the lines of materialistic thinking that Bismarck promulgated. Furthermore, the onward intellectual march of science and technology towards a social vision that contains no awareness of a Divine Plan or inner spiritual government of the world, is lacking in the invocatory power needed to evoke the reappearance of the Christ and seal the door where evil dwells. Therefore, the situation that allowed the door where evil dwells to open in the first place remains unresolved:

“…with the coming of a greatly increased mental development, with the repudiation of the Hierarchy by the bulk of humanity, and by the prostitution of religion to material ends and narrow theological and mental tenets, the Hierarchy has been forced (much against its will) to withdraw some measure of its protecting power (though not all of it, fortunately for mankind).”(4)

The promotion of a materialistic, scientific vision that is ignorant of the higher verities is hindering the establishment of a new world religion based on the science of invocation and evocation. The current spiritual awakening occurring in much of the population needs to make an intense and purposeful invocative appeal to reach the spiritual Lives in the Hierarchy and Shamballa who stand waiting to respond. Problematically, there is now an overwhelming need for a new science of religion so that “the purpose which the Masters know and serve” can “guide the little wills of men” as the Great Invocation phrases it. In the meantime, we are told that through the science of invocation and evocation, disciples can “use the unintelligent urges and the higher (yet inchoate) longings of the masses…in an invocative form; …they can employ it and thus generate an energy which will be strong enough to make a true impact and a definite impression upon Beings and Lives found on levels higher than those in the three worlds.”(5) The Tibetan further elucidates:

“The Science of Invocation and Evocation—which embodies the technique of interplay…to an increasing extent between Humanity and the Hierarchy—is based entirely on a sense of relation. Therefore only a certain level of conscious Lives can invoke Shamballa and evoke response, and this because They have Themselves developed some of the aspects of that type of mental understanding which is the hierarchical expression of the Universal Mind. The light and futile talk of certain writers and thinkers anent the cosmic consciousness, and their flippant use of such phrases as ‘tuning in with the Infinite’ or ‘tapping the Universal Mind’ serve only to show how very little is known in reality about the responses and the reactions of those of high initiate rank or of those on the highest levels of hierarchical life.”(6)

Clearly esoteric students, with their “sense of relation” to the Great Lives of the Spiritual Hierarchy and a knowledge of invocation and evocation, have a considerable responsibility. And the Reflective meditation upon Preparation for the Reappearance of the Christ** on Thursdays provides esoteric students with one of the most powerful invocations that can be engaged in to meet this need. Recent school letters as well as the Lucis Trust Autumn/Fall letter have been sent out with the aim of encouraging students and coworkers to reimagine how the reappearance of the Christ might take place in this scientific and technological age an age that is otherwise engaged and largely ignorant of “the present problem of evil, and…the vitality of the hold which the matter aspect has on the spiritual.”

The aim of this letter is to review our understanding of the nature of evil that we might enunciate the command in the Great Invocation to “seal the door where evil dwells” with greater understanding. The old portrayal of evil personified as a horned beast no longer occupies the modern mind, but whether in its old or a modern form, evil can be offset by developing a scientific appreciation of the conscious forces of spirit and matter at work throughout all the kingdoms of nature. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, which was written “for the guidance of the initiates of the world,”(7) we learn that even cosmic evil can help to bring about the goals of the Logos in the long run, albeit in a much more extreme and painful way for humanity. The hold that the forces of matter have over the forces of spirit is the result of a gigantic thoughtform hovering over humanity – “the product of man's ignorance and selfishness.” Ironically, one of the ways that this thought form can ultimately be destroyed is through it being “kept alive and vitalized” to the point of crystallization. This occurs through:

“…the fostering care of the brothers of the shadow, and those representatives of what may be called ‘cosmic evil’ who (under the karma of the fourth or human family, in this fourth round), assume stupendous responsibilities, make possible the secondary vitalisation of the thought form and produce conditions of such a dire description that under law rapid crystallisation supervenes, and ultimate destruction becomes possible. Students would do well to broaden their concept as to the purpose of evil and the place the evil forces play in the general scheme.”(8)

May the depth of our understanding help invoke the Light, Love and Spiritual Power needed to clear the Way for the Coming of the Christ. We work together towards this goal.

In the spirit of group relationship,

Headquarters Group



1. H.P. Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine Vol I. p. 145. 2. Encyclopedia Britannica https://www.britannica.com/biography/Otto-von-Bismarck 3. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp 297-8. 4. The Rays and the Initiations, p. 753. 5. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p. 114. 6. Ibid, pp 71-2. 7. Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, p. xxi. 8. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 949

* Ref: The Rays and the Initiations, p. 753

** This meditation is introduced in the fourth set of the second degree – The Magical Work of the Soul.


 NB Any text that is underlined is an interactive link for interested students to click on for further information, articles, videos etc.

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