Τρίτη 5 Μαρτίου 2024





– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  March 3, 2024

Text read by brother  I.Ts.

5. The Law of Group Progress

This law begins to function and to be registered in the personal consciousness when the aspirant has achieved certain definite realisations, and knows certain ideals as facts in his experience.  These might be listed in a very simple way [Page 175] and would then connote to the superficial student the simplest achievement of the Probationary Path.  It would, however, be well if we could grasp this fact with clarity, that this simple formulation of requirements and their achievement within the aspirant's consciousness, demonstrate as the outer and veiled reactions of his mind to some deeply esoteric cosmic truths.  This statement contains the very essence of the esoteric knowledge.  The quite ordinary formulations of loving living and of daily instinctive self-sacrifice suffer from being so vitally familiar and yet—if we could only realise it—they are only on the outer fringe of the deepest world truths.  They are the A.B.C. of esotericism and through them, and only through them, shall we arrive at the words and sentences which are, in their turn, the essential key to the highest knowledge.

     A brief example will serve to illustrate this, and we can then consider some simple facts which indicate that the aspirant is beginning to function as a soul and is ready for conscious life in the kingdom of God. 

     The disciple in training for these higher realisations is urged to practice the faculty of discrimination.  You have been so urged.  The initial and normal interpretation and the immediate effect of the practice is to teach the disciple to distinguish between the pairs of opposites.  Yet just as the disciple in his early training discovers that the discriminating process has naught to do with the choice between recognised evil (so-called) and recognised good, but concerns the more subtle pairs of opposites such as right and wrong silences, right and wrong speech, right understanding and right indifference and their opposites, so the man who is reacting to these higher laws discovers that the discrimination to be shown is again still more subtle and is—for the bulk of the aspirants in the world today—still a meaningless objective.  This type of discrimination [Page 176] is not even being evoked.  It is that which must he shown in relation to the following subtle contacts:

1. The vibration of the soul itself.

2. The vibration of the inner group with which he is, even if unconsciously, affiliated.

3. The vibration of the Master as the focal point of the group.

4. His ray vibration, as sensed via his soul and the Master.

5. The vibration resulting from the interplay between his soul and his personality.

6. The three different vibrations of his vital body, his emotional body and the mind.

7. The vibration of the groups or the group with which he must work upon the outer plane.

8. The soul vibration of other people whom he contacts.

9. The vibration of such a group as the New Group of World Servers.

      The name "Law of Group Progress" is the phrase given by human beings to a particular type of energy which is producing the coherence of units in a group, thus forming them into one living organism. 


     I would like here to give you some thoughts anent the new groups which come into functioning activity under the Law of Group Progress.  It must be constantly remembered, as one considers these coming new groups, that they are primarily an experiment in Group Activity, and are not formed for the purpose of perfecting the individual member in any group.  This is a fundamental and essential statement, if the objectives are rightly to be understood.  In these groups the members supplement and fortify each other, and, in the aggregate of their qualities and capacities, they should eventually provide groups capable of useful spiritual expression, and through which spiritual energy can flow, unimpeded, for the helping of humanity.  The work to be done is very largely upon mental levels.  The spheres of daily service of the individual members of the new groups remain as their destiny and inner urge indicates upon the physical plane; but—to the differing [Page 181] fields of individual effort — there will be added (and this is the point of importance) a group activity which will be a joint and united service.  Each person in such groups has to learn to work in a close mental and spiritual cooperation with all the others, and this takes time, given the present point of evolutionary development of the world aspirants.  Each has to pour forth love on all, and this is not easy.  Each has to learn to subordinate his own personality ideas and his personal growth to the group requirements, for at present some will have to hasten their progress in certain directions, and some must slow it down as a service to the others.  This process will take place automatically as the group identity and integration becomes the dominant thought in the group consciousness, and the desire for personal growth and spiritual satisfaction is relegated to a secondary place.

     This contemplated group unity will have its roots in group meditation, or in the contemplative life (in which the soul knows itself to be one with all souls).  This in its turn will work out in some form of group activity which will constitute the distinguishing contribution of any particular group to the raising of the human race esoterically.  Within the group life, the individual will not be dealt with as such by those who seek to train, teach and weld the group into an instrument for service.  Each person will he regarded as a transmitter of the type of energy which is the predominant energy in any ray type, either egoic or personality rays.  Each can in time learn to transmit the quality of his soul ray to the group, stimulating his brothers to greater courage, clearer vision, finer purity of motive, and deeper love, and yet avoid the danger of vitalising his personality characteristics.  This is the major difficulty.  To do this effectively and correctly, we must all learn to think of each other as souls, and not as human beings.

     It will be apparent, therefore, that certain developments must have taken place in the individual before he can consciously become a functioning member of the New Group of World Servers, which is the principal group at this time definitely working under the Law of Group Progress. 

     1. He must have the heart centre awakened, and be so outgoing in his "behaviour" that the heart is rapidly linked up with the heart centres of at least eight other people.  Groups of nine awakened aspirants can then be occultly absorbed in the heart centre of the planetary Logos.  Through it, His life can flow and the group members can contribute their quota of energy to the life influences circulating throughout His body.  The above piece of information is only of interest to those who are spiritually awakened, and will mean little or nothing to those who are asleep. 

     2. The head centre must also be in process of awakening, and the ability to "hold the mind steady in the light" must be somewhat developed. 

     3. Some forms of creative activity must likewise be found and the server must be active along some humanitarian, artistic, literary, philosophic or scientific lines. 

     All this involves personality integration and alignment and that magnetic, attractive appeal which is distinctive of all disciples in some form or another.  In this way from the [Page 198] standpoint of esotericism, certain great triangles of energy will be found in the individual and consequently increasingly in humanity.  Then too the "forces of creative life" will circulate from the "point within the head" (the head centre) along the "line to the heart" and then, with the throat centre, form a "triangle of fiery light".  Such is the Way of Group Progress, and when this is being consummated, then the Law of Group Progress begins definitely to function and to control.  It might be of interest, if we here listed the recognised effects of the five laws with which we have been dealing.

 (Alice Bailey, Esoteric Phychology II, pp. 174, 195, 180-181, 197-198)

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