Study of the Rays as presented in the books
"Discipleship in the New Age I and II"
by Alice A. Bailey
from a Study Group
The study presented here is the result of an experimental group work. Some
students studied the books: Discipleship in the New Age, I & II by Alice A. Bailey
(A.A.B.) and specifically ‘what is said’ by the Tibetan Master Djwal Kool (D.K.)
individually to each of His disciples, in the chapters of the books entitled: “Personal Instructions to Disciples”.
The above chapters include a series of letters with personal instructions, comments, remarks addressed by D.K. to His disciples trained for initiation. There are also information concerning
the individual rays of the disciples: the soul ray, the personality ray, the mental,
the astral and the physical vehicles` rays. The specific conditions, opportunities
and difficulties that the ray equipment of each one reserves, or manifests are
also included. At the same time, D.K. points out - sometimes directly and
sometimes suggestively – the point of evolution and / or consciousness of each disciple, his position in the Ashram and the initiation trained for.
We treated this information as introductory, simultaneously and in combination,
both on the subject of seven rays and on discipleship.
For the names of the disciples and the World Service Group (Ten Seed Group)
with which each disciple was affiliated, we used the file “Disciples who participated in D.K.’s group work experiments” available in https://makara.us/AW-Comps/DINA-Disciples-List, which can be found in the Appendix I.
For the presentation of the instructions to the disciple –in reference to their rays– the following form was chosen:
a. The triple name of the disciple, i.e. three initial letters, which indicate three
qualities needed to be tran – scended by each disciple. The quality in italics shows the main goal.
b. The disciple’s position on the Path or/and the Asramic position stage or any other relevant information, so that one can follow the disciples process during
their discipleship period, which reached up to 15 years.
c. The World Service Group in which each disciple was affiliated, e.g. The Group
of Telepathic Communicators, or The Group of the Magnetic Healers etc.
d. The rays of each disciple, with direction from the soul to the personality and its three vehicles, presented as follows: e.g., III-VI-5-6-3.
e. The excerpts from the books Discipleship in the New Age, I & II (“Personal
Instructions to Disciples”) that contain information associated with the rays of each
disciple in the five vehicles.
When the listed rays are not accompanied by a question mark, this means
that the information comes directly from D.K. and the books. Where there is a
question mark (?) the correlations are based on our own study about the rays as
we attempted to identify phrases and key words in the passages concerning rays.
In some cases, comments from the Study Group are added.
Five Appendices accompany the study. The content of Appendix I concerns data
on the disciples to whom the instructions are addressed in Discipleship in the New
Age, I & II, from the file “Disciples who participated in D.K.’s group work
experiments” (https://makara.us/AW-Comps/DINA-Disciples-List). The second
Appendix concerns information on rays. The third concerns the Six Stages of
Discipleship, the Appendix IV deals with the Stages of the disciples’ Ashramic
Position. Appendix V includes the World Service Groups (Ten Seed Groups) with which the disciples were affiliated.
With the use of discrete text characters, ray information concerning future and
/ or previous incarnations of the disciples is highlighted.
May the present study contribute to the study of rays and discipleship. And to make it possible to express that esoteric psychology that is the main work in
every Ashram, and that is the underlying purpose of the study.
For the Study Group, the study operated towards the acquisition of knowledge,
understanding and recognition of the Teaching of The Ageless Wisdom, but also
mainly towards group development and group subjective work.The Study Group
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