Κυριακή 14 Ιουλίου 2024





– EVERY SUNDAY AT 20.30 – 

 for invoking Soul Ray of Greece, Nations and One Humanity

  14 Sunday July, 2024

Text read by sister I.P.

"Understand this, there are no acquisitions - no resolutions, no pride, no remorse. There is only one thing - Beauty!"

(Leaves from the Garden of Moriah, Book One The Calling, par. 333)



First: the power to work in and with all thought substance. 

The Hierarchy of Illumined Minds is a group Whose telepathic powers enable Them to be sensitive to the mind currents and to register the thoughts of Those Who personify the Mind of God, the Universal Mind, and to register the thoughtforms of Those Who are as far beyond the Hierarchy of Masters as They, in Their turn, are beyond the disciples of the world. ...

Can you not see, therefore, how a miniature replica of the Brotherhood can be established on earth and how in decades [Page 25] to come the working disciples of the world, the isolated initiates in the many world organisations and the personnel of the New Group of World Servers will automatically respond to the telepathic sensitivity of such groups as will be found working in the many Ashrams of the Masters?

The result of this success will not be the recognition of any particular group but it will lead to the recognition of a universal power and the state of mind of disciples of all degrees. This will establish in time and without controversy the unity of all beings. The revelation of unity through the power of thought is the glorious consummation of the work of the Brotherhood and to this you do, as do all disciples, respond in your highest moments.

Second: the power of the intuition, which is the goal of much of the work which disciples must do, requires the unfoldment of another faculty in man.

The intuition is a function of the mind also and, when rightly used, it enables man to grasp reality with clarity and to see that reality free from glamour and the illusions of the three worlds. When the intuition functions in any human being, he is enabled to take direct and correct action for he is in touch with the Plan, with pure and unadulterated fact and undistorted ideas—free from illusion and coming direct from the divine or universal Mind. The unfoldment of this faculty will bring about a world recognition of the Plan and this is the greatest achievement of the intuition in this present world cycle. When that Plan is sensed, there comes the realisation of the unity of all beings, of the synthesis of world evolution and of the unity of the divine objective. All life and all forms are seen then in their true perspective; a right sense of values and of time then eventuates. When the Plan is truly intuited and at first hand, then constructive effort becomes inevitable and there is no lost motion. It is the partial realisation of the Plan and its interpretation at second or third hand by the ignorant which is responsible for the wasted effort and the foolish impulses which characterise the present occult and world organisations.

Third: There is another great mind power which has to be unfolded. It is one which characterises all liberated souls, no matter what their ray. This is the power to heal.

This work is as yet in embryo and the group consciousness is as yet so young and unpolarised that it is needless for me to enlarge upon the possibilities ahead. When men can be trained to be unselfishly and divinely magnetic and radio-active, then there will be poured out upon the world certain divine forces which will vivify and reconstruct, which will eliminate the evil and heal the sick. Hitherto the attempts of men in the field of medicine, of healing and of the various forms of therapy have been the result of impulses to respond to these hovering forces, but that is all as yet.

These are the three major faculties which the spiritual man can unfold; other faculties and developing capacities are only expansions of these three— 

–telepathic thought, receiving and transmitting; 

–intuitive recognition of truth and its formulation into concepts by the mind, plus the later process of materialising that which has been intuited, the highest form of creative work; 

–healing, with its understanding of energy and forces which will lead later to the rebirth of humanity.

D.Ν.A. Ι., pp. 24-29 

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