It is held every 15 days on Wednesday evenings
The major cosmic Triangle works primarily through six constellations at this time and—again at this time—the cosmic constellation and the two zodiacal energies focus through a particular planet, using it as a transmitting agency to the Earth. You have therefore:
These six influences aid greatly in the development of self-consciousness and later of the spiritual consciousness in the man who has succeeded in reaching the point of re-orientation upon the Great Wheel. I deal not here with the personality influences, inclinations and determinations as they appear in the chart of the ordinary man. I deal with the influences and with those determining energies which pour upon the man who is on the Path of Return to the centre of his life and, therefore, with the final three stages upon the Path of evolution. [Page 466]
We might consequently
state that the forces of:
Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the
aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus
and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun.
They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in
that mass to "isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his
way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel."
Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the
Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship. He is
then becoming increasingly intuitive and entirely one-pointed whilst the nature
of the pairs of opposites is clearer to him. The relation of the Mother-aspect
(as embodied in the Pleiades) and of the Christ-child, hidden within the form
of the personality, is realised and the inner, spiritual man institutes the
process of initial identification with the spiritual entity on its own plane;
the little self begins to react consciously and with increasing frequency to
the higher Self. The man "presses forward on that Path wherein he learns
to see."
3. Aries—Libra—The Sun
(which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of
energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function
consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation. He enters the realm
of the formless worlds because Aries, the sign of beginnings makes this
possible; through the potency of Libra, he has succeeded in achieving that
point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites
possible. He now [Page 467] knows, through
transcended feeling and from identification with the seen Vision, the true
meaning of being.
(E.A.: p. 466-67)
Sirius, so important a factor in the spiritual life of the planet, brings its energies to bear direct upon the Hierarchy, and energy from Sirius does not normally enter our planetary life via Shamballa
(DNE. II.: p. 520)
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